TM 55-1730-226-13
Probable Cause
a. Bottle(s) in use not
a . Open alternative
1. Unit will not charge
b o t t l e ( s ) to mani-
fully charged.
a i r c r a f t system.
fold. Replace dis-
charged bottle(s).
b. Allow valve in
b. Valve(s) clogged by
u s e to thaw; reduce
e x t e r i o r frost due to
r a t e of flow.
too rapid servicing.
c. Refer to Trouble
c. Leaks in servic-
No. 2.
ing unit.
2. Threaded joint
a . Replace both male
2 . After component re-
a n d female threaded
d a m a g e d during re-
placement to correct
placement, or de-
components and com-
l e a k , leak continues.
fective soldering.
ponents with soldered
sleeve connections.
Retest in accordance
w i t h paragraph 4.11.
a. Oxygen contam-
W A R N I N G : Either
3 . Aircrew reports un-
probable cause in-
p l e a s a n t or noxious odor.
v o l v e s great risk to
b. Aircraft system
life and property.
F l i g h t surgeon must
b e notified immedi-
a t e l y through pro-
per channels for
a n a l y s i s and identifi-
c a t i o n of source of
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