TM 55-1730-226-13
other provides an indication of the output pressure.
The supply is transferred through a 25-foot flexible
output service hose (11) (filler line). The filler line
is coupled to the using facility by means of an oxygen
service fitting (40) which is screwed into the fitting
on the end of the filler line. The oxygen service
fitting is included with the Oxygen Servicing Unit and
is stored in a hinged front end cover (1) which also
provides the means for stowing (by coiling) the long
filler line. Leading particulars of the Oxygen Ser-
vicing Unit are included in Table 1-1.
Four roller assemblies (49) are mounted on the Oxy-
gen Servicing Unit to facilitate handling and transpor-
tation by means of the existing specialized airfield
trailer and pallet system or with a standard forklift
S t o r a g e . When the pigtails are not connected to the
oxygen bottles, the open ends should be covered with
plastic protectors (dust caps) to avoid moisture, dust
o r other contaminants. The filler line connectors
should be protected in the same manner when not in
use. In addition, when not in use, the filler line and
the oxygen service fitting should be stowed in the
stowage cover in the places provided therein.
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