TM 55-1730-226-13
T h i s manual provides the operation and maintenance
i n s t r u c t i o n s for the Oxygen Servicing Unit,
P / N AA1730-1315, for use in servicing aircraft and
other equipment requiring pressurized oxygen. An
i l l u s t r a t e d parts breakdown is included to facilitate
a n y repair or maintenance.
T h e function of the Oxygen Servicing Unit is to pro-
v i d e a means of carrying standard high-pressure
o x y g e n bottles and of interconnecting them to provide
a regulated single output which can be adjusted for
DESCRIPTION. (Refer to Figure 5-1)
G e n e r a l . T h e Oxygen Servicing Unit consists of eight
c y l i n d r i c a l tubes (17, figure 5-1), each of which can
house a standard high-pressure oxygen bottle lying
o n its side. T h e bottles are firmly secured near the
f o r w a r d end of the Oxygen Servicing Unit by means of
a large cap nut (22) which interfaces with the cap
t h r e a d s on the oxygen bottles. Pigtails (46, 47, and 48)
a n d a manifold (32) are used to interconnect the oxygen
b o t t l e s to provide a single output. Each pigtail is con-
n e c t e d to a check valve (37) to prevent backflow and,
t h e r e f o r e , l o s s of oxygen or pressure in the event that
a bottle is not connected. to each line or one or more
o f the oxygen bottles are empty or of low pressure. A
manual control valve (31), connected to the manifold,
i s used to supply the oxygen directly from the oxygen
b o t t l e ( s ) to the receiving equipment. In addition, the
m a n u a l control valve can be used to bleed the manifold.
An adjustable, dual-indicator regulator (26) controls
the oxygen output at the desired pressure. One indicator
provides an indication of the bottle(s) pressure and the
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