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Page Title: Table 3-1. Removable External Radioactive Contamination - Wipe Limits
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TM 55-315
Table 3-1. Removable External Radioactive Contamination - Wipe Limits
3-12. Contamination Limits for Empty Packaging
The contamination limits for empty radioactive materials packaging are specified as external surface and internal
contamination limits of the package. Both limits must be achieved.
All shipping containers will be transported as if fully loaded with ionizing radiation materials until
determined otherwise by competent authority.
a.  External Surface Contamination Limits (49 CFR 173.443(a)). The level of nonfixed (removable) radioactive
contamination on the external surface shall not, at any time during transport, exceed the limits given in table 3-1.
b.  Internal Contamination Limits (49 CFR 173.427). Any empty radioactive materials package must maintain the
external marking and labeling requirements outlined in chapter 4 unless the following conditions are met.
(1) The internal contamination does not exceed 10 times the limits specified in table 3-1.
(2) The radiation level at any point on the external surface of the package does not exceed 0.5 millirem per
(3) The package does not contain more than 15 grams of uranium-235, except as provided in 49 CFR
(4) The packaging is unimpaired and is securely closed so no leakage of radioactive material will occur under
normal transport conditions.
(5) Any labels previously applied are removed, obliterated, or covered, and the "Empty" label is affixed to the
packaging as specified in chapter 5.
(6) The package is prepared for shipment as specified in the additional requirements for excepted radioactive
materials, per 49 CFR 173.421-1.
3-13. Radiation-Level Limits
a.  Except as provided in b below, each package of radioactive materials offered for transport shall be designed
and prepared for shipment so that, under normal conditions, the radiation level does not exceed 200 millirems per hour at
any point on the external surface of the package and the transport index does not exceed 10.
b.  A package that exceeds the radiation levels specified in a above shall be transported only by exclusive-use
shipment (para 2-16). Also, during transport, the radiation levels must not exceed the following:
(1) 200 millirems per hour (2 millisieverts per hour) on the external surface of the package unless the
following conditions are met, in which case the limit is 1000 millirems per hour (10 millisieverts per hour).
(a) The shipment is made in a closed transport vehicle.
(b) The package is secured within the vehicle so that it cannot move during transport.
(c) No loading or unloading operations occur between the start and end of the transportation.
(2) 200 millirems per hour (2 millisieverts per hour) at any point 2 meters (6.6 feet) from the outer lateral
surfaces of the vehicle (excluding the top and underside of the vehicle); or in the case of a flatbed-style vehicle, at any
point on the vertical planes projected by the outer edges of the vehicle, on the upper surface of the load (or enclosure if
used), and on the lower external surface of the vehicle.
(3) 10 millirems per hour (0.1 millisievert per hour) at any point 2 meters (6.6 feet) from the outer lateral
surfaces of the vehicle (excluding the top and underside of the vehicle); or in the case of a flatbed-style vehicle, at any
point 2 meters (6.6 feet) from the vertical planes projected by the outer edges of the vehicle (excluding the top and
underside of the vehicle).
(4) 2 millirems per hour (0.02 millisievert per hour) in any space personnel normally occupy. However, this
provision does not apply to private carriers if exposed personnel under their control wear radiation dosimetry devices and
operate under the provisions of a State or Federally regulated radiation protection program.
c.  For shipments made under the provisions of b above, the shipper shall provide, to the carrier,

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