TM 9-8140-381-14&P
Section I. GENERAL
may change the sequence of procedures to facilitate
operations, if no required tests are omitted, no tests or
inspection invalidated, and no safety requirements
This technical manual is for all types of
The sequence of actual electrical test
ordinance sites, storage structures, and various local
procedures must not be changed.
applications that will use the weapon security cage
(WSC). Included in this manual will be a full description
Tile recommended maintenance/inspections
of all active and passive components which make up the
must be performed at the scheduled intervals to assure
system serviceability. It is highly recommended that
visual observation of the systems mechanics be
1-1.2. This manual also contains a repair parts and
conducted each time access to stored materials is
special tools list (RPSTL) required to operate and
required; this visual check is for your safety and should
maintain the various replacement parts of the WSC.
become part of routine operations.
a. All illustrations shown in this manual where x's
1-2.3. Inspection and preventive maintenance assures
are shown i.e., PN xxxx, instead of specific part
serviceability/function for intended use.
numbers (PN) and or national stock numbers (NSN), or
where parts are called out by name without a part
1-2.4. During inspections, components will be inspected
number indicates that this is a specially
for obvious visual defects and erratic operation.
custom part not available through the requisitioning
process. Acquisition and distribution of such parts is the
1-2.5. Components and parts having damage (such as
responsibility of the U.S. Army Armament Research,
dents) which would not affect function or in turn damage
Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC). All
another part may continue to be used. (Defects should
illustrations of typical items and the item actually used
be noted/recorded and reported.)
need not conform to the illustrated picture shown in
every configurational detail.
1-2.6. The term "tighten" when used in this manual
means: Use an appropriate tool and with moderate force
b. Parts identified in appendix B (RPSTL) are
firmly seat the bolt, nut, or screw. The fastener is
available in the Federal Supply System and normal
considered to be tight- ened securely if it has reached
requisitioning applies.
the point where an increase in force does not result in
additional turning of the nut or fastener head. If
c. Tools required for use with parts identified with a
hardware installation includes a lock washer, tighten
PN xxxx which are not available on site, are to be
sufficiently to compress the lock washer. It is not
acquired by local purchase. Sizes for the tools are not
required to torque fasteners/connections.
identified and an underscored blank space followed by
the name of the tool (i.e., ____________ open-end
wrench) is used in the text.
Reports of errors, omissions, and recommendations for
improving this publication by the individual user is
encouraged. Reports should be submitted on DA Form
1-2.1. It is not always feasible or convenient to follow
2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and
procedures in the sequence provided in this manual.
Blank Forms) and forwarded directly to Commander,
For instance, maintenance may require disassembly for
U.S. Army Armament Research, Development and
access to only one component, its replacement, and
Engineering Center, ATTN: SMCAR-LSB, Picatinny
reassembly, although the manual provides a more
Arsenal, New Jersey 07806-5000.
extensive sequence. The following rule applies unless
the manual specifies to the contrary: The organization
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