TM 9-6920-737-10
CREW STATION - UNIT 30 (Continued)
COMMANDER'S STATION. The Commander's Station is a model of the Commander's Station in the BFV (see
TM 9-2350-252-10-2). Certain controls and indicators in the BFV that are not used for target acquisition and
gunnery tasks are not functional in the trainer. The following controls and indicators are not functional and/or
have specific differences in the trainer:
a. The Commander's front periscope (1) is functional but the other seven periscopes around the
Commander's hatch (2) are not.
b. The Commander's hatch (2) does not open but an open-hatch malfunction is simulated during training
when driver or cargo hatches are open.
c. Coax ammo box (3) and forward access door (4) are simulated but not functional for ammo
d. Zeroing the coax to the Commander's relay (5) will be performed during training exercises with the
assumption that all external tasks have been accomplished.
e. The Commander's intercom amplifier control box (6) is not simulated.
The intercom monitor switch (7) is simulated but function is the same for all positions.
g. Radio sets (8) are not simulated.
h. The vehicle azimuth indicator and pointer (9) are simulated using a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
instead of tape.
The 25mm gun guard (10) is not removable.
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