TM 9-6920-737-10
Section II.
A transportable training system to provide BFV crews with training and practice in the use of the M2/M3 combat
tank gunnery systems. The U-COFT system provides:
Sequential upgrading of gunnery skills from basic operations to full qualifications.
Retention of gunnery qualification skills.
M2/M3 gunnery qualification for crewmen qualified in another tank model.
Cross-training of drivers and loaders in the duties of gunners.
Familiarization of all crewmen in the duties of commanders.
M2/M3 BFV gunnery training without expenditure of fuel, ammunition, or equipment wear.
One Instructor/Operator required to operate system and train one Commander or one Gunner or both as
a crew.
Air conditioned training environment.
Automatic crew and unit performance evaluation.
Automatic storage of training record data with hard copies presented on demand.
Simulation of single and multiple equipment malfunctions during training.
Built-in Test (BIT) programs to determine equipment failures down to the circuit card assembly level.
Shelters (with equipment enclosed) are transportable.
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