![]() TM 9-6920-361-13&P
7-1. General. The 14.5-mm trainer ammunition is
7-4. Ballistic Data. This ammunition is capable of
classified as 'fixed' ammunition and is ready for firing as
functioning with all the ballistic properties of an artillery
it comes from the packing box. The cartridge size and
combat projectile. Propelling charge is 0.22g (3.5 gr),
manufacturer's identification are stamped on the base of
producing 328 f/s (100 m/s) initial velocity. Maximum
the cartridge case.
Subparagraph 1-4f shows an
effective range is 798.3 yds (730 m).
example of cartridge markings. Projectiles with two
types of fuze action are available for use with the trainer:
7-5. Markings. Fuze designation, charge designation,
and manufacturer's lot number are inscribed on the side
(1) A point-detonating (PD) fuze (M183) which
of the cartridge case with a black indelible ink
functions on impact.
(2) A 3-second delay fuze (M181) and a 6-
7-6. Packaging. Ten cartridges are packed in a
second delay fuze (M182) which present airbursts when
cardboard box. Each box is marked with quantity of
fired at a time of flight in excess of 3 seconds and 6
cartridges, charge designation, fuze designation, model
seconds respectively from the time of firing. The latter
number, and lot number.
two fuzes are not "delay" as we think of them. They are
factory set time fuzes which do not have a point-
7-7. Preparation for Firing.
detonating element. A cross section of the 14.5-mm
projectile is shown in subparagraph 1-4f. The projectile
a. The cartridges are ready for firing as they come
is coated with cosmoline under the cartridge case.
from the cardboard box.
7-2. Ammunition Type. Ammunition for the 14.5-mm
b. Some of the cosmoline may appear on the
field artillery trainer M31 is classified as "fixed"
projectile forward of the cartridge case. Unless the
ammunition type.
A cartridge (complete round of
exposed cosmoline collects dust or dirt, it should not be
ammunition) consists of all the ammunition components
removed. The cartridge should be free of all foreign
necessary to fire the trainer once; this includes a loaded
matter before loading. In order to keep the ammunition
projectile, a propelling charge, a primer, and a fuze. A
clean, the round should not be removed from the
cross section of a cartridge is shown in subparagraph 1-
cardboard box until immediately before firing.
c. The ammunition should be protected from the
7-3. Cartridges. There are three kinds of cartridges
sun, rain, dust, or other damaging elements in order to
available for use with the trainer, as indicated below.
maintain standard performance. Due to the low muzzle
velocity (100 meters per second) a small increase or
a. Cartridge M183 (subparagraph 1-4f) has a point
decrease from standard will result in several decimeters
detonation (PD) fuze that produces smoke with a slight
in range dispersion.
detonation upon impact. The smoke cloud produced is
visible with the naked eye at a distance up to 3,280 feet
7-8. Dud Policing and Disposal. After firing on other
(1000 m) by day, and is visible by a flash at night.
than a permanent range, police the surface area to
locate dud projectiles.
Dud projectiles will be
b. Cartridge M181 has a fuze which has a three
conspicuously marked for later identification. Flags,
second delay detonation action.
The other
engineer tape, etc., may be used. Personnel will not
characteristics are the same as M183 above.
attempt to pick up duds with their hands or disturb the
duds during policing. The retrieving of duds to permit
c. Cartridge M 182 has a fuze which has a six
disposal by burning or demolition is authorized only when
second delay detonation action.
The other
the equipment used to retrieve the dud provides
characteristics are the same as M183 above.
adequate protection to
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