TM 9-6685-202-14
KEY to fig. 4-5
KEY to fig. 4-4
1. Screw, cap, socket head HIC 4-40 x 3/8
A. Screw, cap, socket head HIC 4-40 x 3/4
2. Nut, adjusting HIC 10-20-16
B. Nut, locking HIC 10-20-16
3. Screw, correcting HIC 10-30-06-B
C. Washer, steel HIC No. 4
4. Screw, cap, socket head HIC 4-40 x 3/8
D. Washer, valve HIC 10-00-08-A
5. Washer, flat HIC No. 4
E. Diaphragm HIC 10-00-09-A
6. Screw, cap, socket head HIC 4-40 x 1/2
F. Stud, valve HIC 10-00-06
7. Washer, fiat HIC No. 4
G. Nut, stainless steel HIC 4-40
8. Washer, lock HIC No. 5
H. Valve, ball HIC 10-00-07
9. Nut, adjusting HIC 10-20-16
10. Eccentric, correcting HIC 10-30-03
The key letters shown below in
11. Setscrew HIC 4-40 x 1/8
parenthesis refer to figure 4-4.
12. Bracket, correcting screw HIC 10-30-05-B
b. Valve Subassembly (Type A-1 Only) (Fig. 4-4).
13. Stud, correcting screw bracket HIC 10-30-
To disassemble the valve subassembly for purposes of
cleaning, lift valve subassembly out of barometer tube,
14. Nut, flexlock HIC No. 4-40
remove socket head cap screw (A), to separate locking
15. Index, temperature HIC 10-30-10-B
nut (B), steel washer (C), valve washer (D), and
16. Screw, cap, socket head HIC 4-40 x 3/8
diaphragm (E) from valve stud (F). Unscrew ball valve
17. Arm, camrod HIC 10-30-13-B
(H) and nut (G) from valve stud (F).
18. Setscrew, socket head HIC 4-40 x 1/8
19. Scale, temperature and gravity HIC 10-30-
The valve assembly is precision
machined to match a particular
20. Screw, round head HIC 3-56 x 3/16
barometer tube. If the barometer
21. Washer, fiat HIC No. 3
tube has been broken, a new valve
22. Block HIC 10-30-16-B
subassembly will be supplied with
the replacement tube.
Do not
The key numbers shown below in
interchange barometer tubes and
parenthesis refer to figure 4-5.
valve subassemblies.
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