TM 9-6685-202-14
equipment supplied for the barometer and auxiliary
4-1. Parts and Tools
equipment are listed in appendix C, which is the
a. Tools, equipment, and spare parts issued to
authority for requisitioning replacements in accordance
using personnel for operating and maintaining the
with TM 9-4931-700-34P-1.
material should not be used for purposes other than
4-2. Test Equipment
prescribed and, when not in use, should be properly
There is no test equipment required to support
stored in the containers provided for them. No special
the barometer. The test equipment required to calibrate
tools are required to support the barometer.
the barometer will be available in the laboratory which is
b. Spare parts are supplied to using personnel for
responsible for the support of the barometer (refer to TB
the replacement of those parts most likely to become
unserviceable, if such operations are within the scope of
their maintenance functions. Spare parts, tools, and
operator preventive maintenance services and all
4-3. General
inspections and are just as important as the specific
a. Preventive Maintenance. This is the systematic
care, inspection, and servicing of equipment to maintain
it in serviceable condition, prevent breakdowns, and
(1) Inspections to see if items are in good
assure maximum operational readiness. The operator's
condition, correctly assembled or stowed, not
role in the performance of preventive maintenance
excessively worn, not leaking, and adequately lubricated
service is to:
apply to most items in the preventive-maintenance and
inspection procedures. Any or all of these checks that
(1) Perform the daily service required each
are pertinent to any item (including supporting,
day the equipment is operated.
attaching, or connecting members) will be performed
(2) Assist the maintenance mechanics in the
automatically, as general procedures, in addition to any
performance of any other scheduled periodic services
specific procedures given.
specified by pertinent technical manuals.
(a) Inspection for " good condition" is
(3) Assist the maintenance mechanics in the
usually an external visual inspection to determine
lubrication of the equipment in accordance with the
whether the unit is damaged beyond safe or serviceable
pertinent lubrication order.
limits. Good condition is explained further as meaning:
b. Responsibility.
Operators are personally
not bent or twisted, not chafed or burred, not broken or
responsible for assigned equipment.
Unit and
cracked, not bared or frayed, not dented or collapsed,
organization commanders are required to insure that
not torn or cut, not deteriorated.
equipment issued or assigned to their command is
(b) Inspection of a unit to see that it is
properly maintained in a serviceable condition, and that
"correctly assembled" or stowed is usually a visual
it is properly cared for and used.
inspection to see if the unit
c. General Procedures for All Services and
Inspections. The following general procedures apply to
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