TM 9-6685-202-14
To completely remove all oil, invert the pump and turn
(9) Rubber tubing connections should be kept
the shaft several revolutions to flush out any remaining
as short as possible and made with an extra heavy wall,
gum tubing, which has been compounded specially for
vacuum work. All connections to metal or glass tubing
should fit snugly and both members should be coated
with vacuum stopcock grease.
Tygon tubing is
adequate for most applications.
Do not use solvents or light flushing
Their complete removal is
(10) Metal vacuum valves and glass stopcocks
difficult and their high vapor
are employed generally in the connecting line between
pressures will prevent the attainment
the pump and the system to provide a means of
of a high vacuum.
connecting the vacuum gage and for vacuum release
when stopping the pumping.
(4) If the oil has thickened or contains sludge,
it is advisable to remove the oil reservoir case and
thoroughly clean the case with lint-free rags. Varnish a
new gasket and install it on the case. Tighten all screws
Take care to prevent solid particles
uniformly. Also replace the shaft seal.
from reaching the pump intake.
Particles can score the working parts
(5) The frequency of oil change depends
of the pump and reduce its
upon the service or use of the pump. If the pump is
efficiency. If corrosive vapors or
operating against a vaporless dustless system, change
large amounts of water vapor are in
oil once every six months; if vapors pass through the
the system, use a freezing trap in the
pump in any quantity, a daily change of oil may be
line to prevent them from entering
the pump and to keep pump oil
(6) During shipment, the intake nipple of the
vapor from entering the system. Use
vacuum pump is closed to prevent entrance of foreign
a mixture of dry ice and acetone or
matter into the pump. In handling the pump, similar
ethyl alcohol as a vacuum flask
precautions should be exercised. In connecting the
pump to the system to be evacuated, extreme care must
be taken to eliminate leakage. All connections should
3-8. Operation of Constant Vacuum Regulator 6685-
be as short as possible, and of large diameter. When
the pump is operating in the low micron range, the flow
of gas through a tube is substantially molecular in
a. The constant vacuum regulator is a hand set
character. At low pressures, the gas removed from the
device which maintains set pressures within close limits
system is confined largely to those molecules which
over extended periods. The regulator is suitable for
because of their kinetic energy of agitation, happen to
both vacuum and pressure systems for calibrating and
hit the intake of the pump when the cylinder of the pump
testing pressure sensitive instruments and for controlling
is open to the intake.
vacuum apparatus.
The regulator is continuously
(7) If metal piping is used, it is the best
adjustable over the entire range by a handwheel. No
practice to solder or braze all connections. When
external reference pressure is required.
threaded pipe joints must be used, the threads should
be as nearly perfect as possible. In such a connection,
KEY to fig. 3-3.
screw the members together several turns, and then
Adjusting handwheel
apply black glyptal to the exposed threads before
Control spring
screwing together tightly. Allow the glyptal to dry
Spring and bellows connector
several hours before starting the pump. If flanged
Vacuum throttling value
connections are used, flat or o-ring gaskets made of
Vacuum pump connection
rubber or neoprene should be used between the parts to
Test connection
reduce leakage. Place a thin coat of vacuum stopcock
grease on the o-ring before using.
Air inlet
Air filter
(8) When standard tapered or ball and TM 9-
Valve port
6685-202-14 socket joints are used in connections, a
Valve disc
vacuum stopcock grease should be used on both
Adjusting screw
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