TM 9-6685-202-14
Figure 3-2. Gravity correction chart.
following preliminary
barometer for use:
(a) Remove the off-center hexagonal-
head shipping plug and replace with cistern nipple (fig.
(a) Level the mounting platform by
means of the three leveling screws, using the indication
of the two levels in the mount platform. Clockwise
rotation of the leveling screws raises the platform.
Be sure to install the nipple gasket.
(b) Tighten the cistern nipple securely
with approximately 30 pounds on an eight-inch wrench.
The instrument must be maintained
level within 30 seconds of arc to
(c) Install tubing, fittings, valves, and
reduce alignment errors to below
vacuum gage sensor as shown in figure 1-1.
0.02 mm of mercury. This is done by
(d) Connect a tube from the cistern
centering the bubbles within one
nipple to the vacuum line connection nearest the cistern.
division on the level scales.
Close valve to cistern.
(b) Deenergize vacuum pump and
(e) Connect a tube from the vacuum
carefully open both the tube and cistern to atmospheric
pump to the barometer evacuation connection.
(f) Operate vacuum pump until 50
(c) Install mercury under vacuum as
microns is indicated on the vacuum gage. This will
described in paragraph 4-5b.
remove any traces of moisture which may have gotten
(d) Loosen the set screw at the base of
into the tube and cistern during shipment and storage.
the micrometer barrel and rotate barrel until index line is
at a convenient position
(2) Preliminary Adjustments.
When the
vacuum gage indicates 50 microns, perform the
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