TM 9-6685-202-14
ing ring slide. These two arms at a 90 degree angle
2-6. Applied Correction Scale and Index (Type A-1
convert the horizontal displacement of the cam bar,
which is proportional to the temperature and gravity
errors at the point where the vernier slide is positioned,
A vernier strip is fastened to the sighting ring
to a vertical displacement of the sighting ring slide. As
slide, which, when read against the applied correction
explained in paragraph 2-3, moving the sighting ring
scale on the vernier slide, indicates the direction and
with respect to the scale index will effectively increase
magnitude of the correction being applied. Its indication
or decrease the height of the mercury column as read
is used only in calibrating or checking the computing-
on the scale. Thus the barometer reading is corrected
correcting mechanism, and may be disregarded in the
for temperature and gravity errors and the scale reading
normal use of the barometer.
is the true pressure as reduced to standard conditions.
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