TM 9-6625-2075-34P
(1) Component stock number of the individual end item to be repaired.
(2) Component manufacturer's equipment model number and serial number.
(3) The equipment manufacturer's stock number as listed in the appropriate manual for the desired repair part.
(4) The repair part reference designation, circuit reference, circuit symbol schematic designation, or reference
number as listed in the manufacturer's manual.
(5) The technical specification of the repair part as contained in the appropriate manufacturer's manual.
(6) The title and date of the manufacturer's manual from which the information in a and b(3), (4), and (5) above
was taken.
c. NSN's that are missing for "p" source coded items have been applied for and will be added to this manual by a
change or revision when they are entered in the Amy master data file (AMDF). Until the NSN's are established, submit
exception requisitions to the Commander, ATTN: DRSMI-SS, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898, for the part required to
support your equipment.
5. How to Locate Repair Parts
a. When NSN or part number is unknown, use the repair parts listing to locate the item by description. This list is
listed in alphabetical sequence within each figure number.
b. When NSN or part number is known, use the index of NSN's and part numbers to find the pertinent NSN or part
number. This index is in ascending NSN cross referenced to the figure number and item number. After finding the figure
and item number, locate the item in the repair parts list.
6. Abbreviations Not applicable.
3 (4 blank)
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