![]() 1.2.1
Normalized Rate (Cont'd)
Step 4:
t = T = 60 = 1 sec.
K 60
Step 5:
Insert .100000 in thumbswitches end X1 on the multiplier. Readings will now
be directly in RPM.
Example 2:
Reading fluid flow from a flowmeter.
Step 1:
Flowmeter delivers 1000 cycles per barrel. K = 1000.
Step 2:
Desired readout is barrels per hour.
Step 3:
One hour equals 3600 seconds. T - 3600.
Step 4:
t = T = 3600 = 3.6 sec.
K 1000
Step 5:
Insert .360000 seconds into the thumbswitches and X1 on the multiplier.
If the units of K do not coincide with the units established by Step 2, then it
may be necessary make an initial conversion in K.
Example 3:
Reading same as Example 2.
Step 1:
Same as Example 2. (K = 1000)
Step 2:
Desired readout is gallons per minute. Since gallons and barrels are
different, K must be converted to cycles per gallon. Since for crude oil 42
gals = 1 barrel, then K becomes 1000 = 23.810.
Step 3:
One minute results in T = 60.
Step 4:
60 = 2.5200 seconds.
Step 5:
Insert .252000 seconds into thumbswitches and X1 on the multiplier.
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