Internal Clock
A REF.1 MHz BNC is provided on the rear panel to allow easy monitoring of the internal 1
MHz clock.
Amplified Rate Output
An OUT A BNC is provided on the rear panel as a monitor point. The output signal is
essentially a square wave of 4.5 V pk-pk minimum from a 500Ω output impedance. The
output is available continuously (no reset interruption). The output represents either input A
amplified or the FLOW Input amplified whichever is selected by the Input Selector Switch.
A 50 pin connector on the rear panel for driving a printer or associated equipment. The
output 1,2,4,8 BCD coded for each digit with an overflow bit. The output is DTL/TTL
compatible, positive true. The Print Command is the gate signal (+2.4 V min. to +0.4 V
max. at the beginning of the gate interval, +0.4 V max. to +2.4 V min. at the end of the gate
interval). The output loading factor is 10 TTL loads.
Flow Indicator Carrying Case (3.2.8)
The Flow Indicator is provided with a carrying case whose combined weight does not exceed 35
pounds. The maximum volume of the carrying case is less than 2.0 cubic feet.
Power Input (3.3.3)
The Flow Indicator will operate from 105 to 130 or 210 to 260 VAC, 50 to 400 Hz, single phase power
lines. The unit requires 30 Watts maximum. A rear panel screw driver switch selects the appropriate
voltage range. A 3-conductor, 3-prong, detachable AC power cord, approximately 8' long is provided.
Warm-up Time
A 30 minute maximum warm-up time is required after power turn on for the unit to reach full
operating performance.
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