All of the following specifications are referenced to Missile Command Specification MIS-
10391A, dated 1 December 1970 as amended. Paragraph references appear parenthetically at
the beginning of each major section.
Flow Indicator - General (3.2.2)
The Flow Indicator is an easily portable instrument designed to provide a digital reading in engineering
units for low level AC frequency inputs, primarily those produced by RF type flowmeters. The Flow
Indicator contains the necessary power supply for the RF Amplifier-Demodulator contained within the
Indicator and has a current limiting resistor to permit safe usage of the RF flowmeter in hazardous
areas. The Flow Indicator may also be used with magnetic transducer pickups. A separate selectable
input is provided for this purpose. The Flow Indicator contains adequate fuse protection and an LC
power line filter to minimize electrical noise pickup from the power line.
Operating Modes (3.2.3, 3.3.6)
Five operating modes are provided plus a REMOTE position for external mode selection.
In this mode, the Flow Indicator totalizes the prescaled input signal for the duration of a gate
control signal. A prescale factor of 1, 10, 100 or 1000 times the number set into the
thumbswitches is available. The gate control signal may be provided by manual actuation of
the front panel COUNT ON/OFF switch, the duration of an external solid state or mechanical
switch closure or separate or common line start-stop pulses. The prescaled input is totalized
and displayed. Accuracy is 1 count.
This mode allows the display of normalized rate (PPH, GPM, RPM, etc.). The input signal
(either Input A or the FLOWMETER input) is counted for a preset gate time interval. The
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