TM 9-2920-258-30&P
M Field circuit in the OFF position.
Fine control switch (0-5) in the OFF position.
O Field current increase (0-5) counterclockwise.
P Field circuit rheostat (0-30) counterclockwise.
Battery circuit selector in the OFF position.
R Circuit breakers in the DOWN position (press to ensure the CB's are down).
S Regulator check, fixed resistance method in the OFF position.
T DC variable volts in the OFF position.
U Load selection (all switches) in the OFF position.
V Master load disconnect in the OFF position.
Variable load increase counterclockwise.
X Voltage adjusting increase (VAR) counterclockwise.
Y Starter rheostat, approximately three turns counterclockwise from fully clockwise.
Z Starter test in the OFF position.
AA Equalizer coil test in the OFF position.
AB Ignition switch in the OFF position.
AC Bus bars B+ and G+ In Place.
AD Bus bars B- and G- In Place.
AE DC variable power supply 0-32 VDC (front panel) counterclockwise.
AF Charger time control in the OFF position.
AG Battery charger variable load counterclockwise.
AH D-sensing switch in the OFF position. (NOTE: New model United test stand has a D-sensing switch
that is normally OFF [part number 7458-4].)
Cable Connections
1 Wire the Alternator and rectifier to the test stand as follows (see Figure D-4):
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