TM 9-2920-258-30&P
C Connect the test cable from the rectifier's left connector receptacle to the test stand's connection
points T1, T2 and T3 (rectifier section).
D Connect the test cable from the rectifier's right connector receptacle to the test stand's
connection point +C (both leads) (rectifier section).
E Connect rectifier ground to D-.
Switch and Control Positions
1 From the base setting, turn the:
DC load ammeter switch to X 10.
Field circuit switch to the MANUAL position.
DC field ammeter switch to X 6.
DC voltmeter output voltage select switch to REC/GEN.
With the new model United test stand (part number 7458-4), be sure that the D-sensing switch in ON.
d Testing
Turn the master switch ON.
Depress the START button and hold for 3 to 5 seconds.
Turn the speed control counterclockwise until the tachometer reads 2800 rpm.
Turn the master load switch ON.
Turn the battery circuit select switch to 24 VOLTS.
The voltmeter will show battery voltage. Adjust voltage to 28 volts using field current rheostat (0-30 amps
Turn the 100-amp fixed, 50-amp fixed, 25-amp fixed and 0-to 25-amp variable load switches ON.
Turn the field current (0-30 amps max) control until the voltmeter reads 28 volts. The load ammeter should
read approximately 180 amperes. The DC ammeter will read approximately 11 amperes.
Turn the variable load increase control until a drop of approximately 1 or 2 volts is indicated on the DC
voltmeter. Then, increase the voltage back to 28 volts. The load amperage will increase as the voltage is
increased. Do these steps until 180 amperes are indicated on the load ammeter.
The voltage has to be adjusted to 28 volts when any part of a load is added. Check the AC ammeter.
While watching the AC ammeter, rotate the phase select switch through A, B and C positions. There
should be no more than a 1-ampere difference between each phase.
ZCheck the AC voltmeter. While watching the AC voltmeter, rotate the select switch through the T1, T2;
T1, T3; and T2, T3 positions. There should be no more than l-volt difference between each circuit.
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