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TM 9-2910-226-34
g. 1 - Y e a r  A l l o w a n c e s p e r 1 0 0 E q u i p -
TM 9-2815-210-34P
Direct support and general support
merits/contingency Planning Purposes, Column (8).
maintenance repair parts and special
tools list (including depot main-
This column indicates the requirement for con-
tenance repair parts and special
tingency planning purposes. An asterisk indicates
tools): Engine,  diesel (multifuel):
authorization to obtain or use as required. This
turbocharged, fuel injected, water
column is left blank except for the special tools list.
cooled, 4-cylinder assembly (military
models LD-465-1, 2815-239-5834,
Depot Maintenance Allowances per 100
LG-465-lC, 2815-134-4830, LDT-
Equipment,  Column (9). This column indicates
465-1C, 2815-103-2642, LDS-465-1,
authorization for depot use. This column is left
2815-075-0087, LDS-465-1A, 2815-
239-5819, and LDS-465-2, 2815-808-
i. Illustration,  Column (JO). This column is
8011 and clutches).
TM 9-2815-204-34P
Direct support and general support
divided as follows:
maintenance repair parts and special
(1) Figure Number, Column (10) (a). Indicates
tools list (including depot main-
the figure number of the illustration in which the
tenance repair parts and special
item is shown.
tools): Engine, diesel: with container
(2) Item Number, Column (10) (b). Indicates
liquid cooled, V-type, six cylinder
( 2 8 1 5 - 0 2 2 - 6 7 3 2 ) composed of:
the callout number used to reference the item in the
engine, diesel: (Detroit Diesel-GMC
model 5063-5299, series 6V53) and
B-4. Special Information. a. Identifications of the
container (8115-202-8589) engine,
usable-on codes for the pumps and the engine
diesel: with container (2815-909-
5949) composed of: engine, diesel:
assemblies they are used on are included at the end
(Detroit Diesel-GMC model 5063-
of the description column, column (3) of this
5398 series 6V53T) and container
publication, and are:
assembly (8115-999-5336).
f. Tables B-1 and B-2 are provided as a rapid
index to all recoverable, direct exchange items and
LDS-465-2 Engine Assembly
repair kits and sets contained in this manual. The
LDS-465- 1A Engine Assembly
items in table B- 1 are in FSN sequence and the items
LD-465-1 Engine Assembly
LD-465-lC Engine Assembly
in table B-2 are listed in functional group sequence.
LDT-465-lC Engine Assembly
B-5. How to locate Repair Parts. a. When Federal
LDS-465- 1 Engine Assembly
stock number or reference number is unknown.
LDS-427-2 Engine Assembly
(1) First. Using the table of contents, deter-
Applicable to all pump assemblies
mine the appropriate group, subgroup, or assembly
group; i.e., fuel supply pump. governor; etc., within
b. The basis of issue for authorized special tools,
which the repair part belongs. This is necessary since
and test and support equipment is the number of end
illustrations are prepared for groups and subgroups,
items of equipment supported and the number of
and listings are divided into the same groups.
maintenance personnel allocated to perform the
(2) Second. Find the illustration covering the
required maintenance operations (such as, six of
group, or subgroup, to which the repair part
each tool for each 100 pumps supported).
c. Parts which require manufacture or assembly
(3) Third. Identify the repair part on the
at a category higher than that authorized for in-
illustration and note the illustration figure and item
stallation will indicate in the source column the
number of the repair part.
higher category.
(4) Fourth. Using the repair parts listing, find
d. Certain parts are supplied in parts kits and
the group or subgroup, to which the repair part
gasket sets. When a kit is composed of parts which
belongs and locate the illustration figure and item
are normally in more than one group, the kit will be
number noted on the illustration.
listed in only special purpose kits section. Com-
b.  When Federal stock number or reference
ponents of the kit which are not in that particular
number is known:
group will appear in their normal group listing with
(1) First. Using the index of Federal stock
an appropriate reference to the kit. Component parts
numbers and reference numbers find the pertinent
of a kit which have a Federal stock number and are
Federal stock number or reference number. This
source coded P may be procured as line items.
index is in ascending FSN sequence followed by a list
e. The following publications are the up-assembly
of reference numbers in ascending alphanumeric
o f Pump, Fuel, Metering and Distributing,
sequence, cross-referenced to the illustration figure
Assemblies 2910-1 16-8241, 2910-178-1185, 2910-759-
number and item number.
5410, 2910-908-6320 and 2910-968-6317.

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