TM 9-2910-226-34
manually work the valve in the bore. Valve must be
free with no sticking or binding. If valve does not
Do not exceed 425 psig as damage to
preformed packings may result.
operate freely, replace the hydraulic head assembly.
c. If the reading is not within specification,
g. Install valve (C), delivery valve spring (B), and
screw (A), and torque tighten valve screw to 40-45
remove the delivery valve and inspect the spring,
foot-pounds. Loosen screw and retorque to 40-45
valve, and seat for foreign matter or damaged parts
foot-pounds two more times.
valve or seat is defective, replace the hydraulic head
3-54. Delivery Valve Test. a. Rotate the drive
coupling in a counterclockwise direction until the
slotted, red painted tooth is one-half tooth to the
3-55. Hydraulic Head Leak Test. a. Remove timing
right of the mark on the pump housing.
device cover, timing window cover or fuel shutoff
b. Slowly actuate the nozzle tester and note the
housing. Rotate the drive coupling in a clockwise
reading on the nozzle tester gages as the delivery
direction until the mark on the advance unit hub is
valve opens. This will be evidenced by a sudden drop
alined with the pointer (port closing) (fig. 3-168).
in pressure. The delivery valve should open between
250 and 400 psig.
Table 3-4. Calibration of LDT-465-1C (Code E Pump)
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