TM 9-2910-226-34
Table 2-1. Special Tools
2-6. Purpose. a. Information in this section is for
because it is often the onlv means of determining the
use of maintenance personnel in conjunction with,
malfunction without disassembling the fuel injection
and as a supplement to the troubleshooting sections
in the pertinent vehicle and engine technical
Troubleshooting a disabled fuel injection
pump after it has been removed from the vehicle
manuals. It provides continuation of instructions
and/or engine consists of subjecting it co tests on a
where a remedy in the above technical manuals refers
to maintenance personnel for corrective action.
suitable test stand. This section discusses those
symptoms which can be diagnosed by using the
b. Operation of a deadlined vehicle without a
testing equipment and interprets the results in terms
preliminary examination can cause further damage
of probable causes. Information pertaining to this
to a disabled fuel injection pump and possible injury
test is contained in paragraphs 3-49 through 3-52.
t o personnel. B y careful inspection and
troubleshooting, such damage and injury can be
2-8. Procedures. After a metering and distributing
avoided and, in addition, the cause of faulty
fuel injection pump has been received by the
operation of a vehicle or fuel injection pump can
maintenance activity for preliminary inspect ion, or if
often be determined without extensive disassembly.
performance of the pump has been unsatisfactory
2-7. General Instructions and Procedure. This
due to unknown causes, it must be checked before
section contains inspection and troubleshooting
installing it on a test stand. This check should in-
procedures to be performed after a fuel injection
clude a search for any binding or broken parts by
pump has been removed from the vehicle and/or
rotating camshaft and operating lever. When cause
power plant.
for failure has been found, fuel injection pump
a. Inspection after the fuel injection pump is
should be disassembled and repaired before
removed from the vehicle and/or engine is performed
proceeding with the tests. Additional operational
to verify any diagnosis made when the pump was in
tests performed on a damaged fuel injection pump
the vehicle, to uncover further defects, or to
could only increase the damage. If no cause for
determine any malfunction if the component alone is
failure is found in inspection, fuel injection pump
received by the maintenance activity. This in-
should be put on test stand and troubleshooting
spection is particularly important in the last case
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