4 Test for defective fuel injection pump.
Replace defective or worn parts (model PSU, p 3-64; model 50, p 3-80).
Replace defective fuel injection pump (model PSU, p 3-72; model 50, p 3-88).
Retime fuel injection pump and engine (model PSU, p 4-7; model 50, p 4-7).
5 Test for defective fuel injector nozzles.
6 Check cylinder compression.
Perform cylinder compression test (p 4-21).
If there is compression leakage, perform
steps B and
Service connecting rod and piston assembly (p 3-119).
Inspect cylinder walls (p 3-137).
7 Check valve clearance. Adjust valve clearance (p 4-19).
8 Inspect valve springs (p 3-44). Retime fuel injection pump
to engine if valve springs are replaced (model PSU, p 4-7;
50, p 4-7).
9 Inspect valve seats (p 3-42).
Repair or replace valve seat insert (p 3-42).
Reface or replace valve if required (p 3-40).
10 Inspect for broken valves.
11 Inspect cylinder walls.
12 Inspect connecting rods and piston assemblies.
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