![]() (2)
code. Maintenance codes
H. . . . . Reparable item. When not economical to repair,
are entered in the third and fourth positions. They
condemn and dispose at the general support
indicate the level of maintenance authorized to Use
and Repair the support item as defined below.
D. . . . . . Reparable item. When beyond lower-level repair
(a) Use. This maintenance code entered in
capability, return to depot. Condemnation and
the third position indicates the lowest maintenance
disposal not authorized below depot level.
level authorized to remove, replace, and use the
L. . . .Reparable item. Repair, condemnation and
disposal not authorized below Depot/
support item. The Use maintenance level is in-
Specialized Repair Actitvity level.
dicated by one of the codes defined below.
A. . . . . . . .Item requires special handling because of specific
reasons (i.e., precious metal content, high dollar
Explanation and Application
value, critical material, or hazardous material).
C. . . . Crew or operator maintenance performed within
Refer to appropriate manuals / directives for
organizational maintenance.
O . . . .Support item is removed, replaced, used at the
specific instructions.
organizational level.
F. . . . .Support item is removed, replaced, used at the
b. Federal Stock Number, Column 2. Indicates
direct support level.
the Federal stock number assigned to the item and
H. . . . Support item is removed, replaced, used at the
will be used for requisitioning purposes.
general support level.
D. . . . . .Support item is removed, replaced, used at Depot,
Federal Stock Numbers that are missing
Mobile Depot, Specialized Repair activity only.
for PA or PB source-coded items are not
(b) Repair. This maintenance code entered
currently recorded in the AMDF. When
in the fourth position indicates whether the item is
these stock numbers are broadcast in the
to be repaired. It identifies the lowest maintenance
AMDF they will be provided by a change
level with the capability to perform complete repair
to this manual.
of all authorized maintenance functions. This
c. Description, Column 3. Indicates the Federal
position contains one of the following maintenance
item name and a minimum description required to
codes assigned by the service(s) that require the
identify the item. The last line indicates the
code as defined below.
r e f e r e n c e number followed by the applicable
Federal Supply Code for Manufacturer (FSCM) in
Explanation and Application
0. . . . . The lowest maintenance level capable of complete
parentheses. The FSCM is used as an element in
repair of the support item is the organizational
item identification to designate manufacturer or
distributor or Government agency, etc., and is
F. . . . . The lowest maintenance level capable of complete
identified in SB 708-42. Items that are included in
repair of the support item is the direct support
kits and sets are listed below the name of the kit or
H. . . . . . The lowest maintenance level capable of complete
set with quantity of each item in the kit or set in-
repair of the support item is the general support
dicated in front of the item name. Material required
for manufacture of fabrication is identified.
D. . . . . . . The lowest maintenance level capable of complete
d. Unit of Measure (U / M). Column 4. In-
repair of support item is the depot level, per-
dicates the standard or basic quantity by which the
formed by Depot, Mobile Depot, or Specialized
listed item is used in performing the actual
Repair Activity.
L.... . . . . Repair restricted to designated Specialized Repair
maintenance function. This measure is expressed
by a two-character alphabetical abbreviation, e.g.,
Z . . . . . Non-reparable. No repair is authorized.
ea, in, pr, etc., and is the basis used to indicate
B. . . . . . . No repair is authorized. The item may be
quantities and allowances in subsequent columns.
reconditioned by adjusting, lubrication, etc., at
When the unit of measure differs from the unit of
the user level. No parts or special tools are
procured for the maintenance of this item.
issue, the lowest unit of issue that will satisfy the
required units of measure will be requisitioned.
(3) Recoverability code. This code is entered
e. Q u a n t i t y I n c o r p o r a t e d i n U n i t , C o l u m n
in the fifth position. It is assigned to a support item
5. Indicates the quantity of the item used in the
to indicate the disposition action on an un-
functional group. A "V" appearing in this column
serviceable item. This fifth position contains one of
in lieu of a quantity indicates that a definite
the codes defined below.
shims, spacers, etc.).
Z . . . . .Nonreparable item. When unserviceable, con-
demn and dispose at the level indicated in third
f. 30-Day DS / GS Maintenance Authorization,
position (Use).
Columns 6 and 7.
0 . . . . . . . Reparable item. When not economical to repair,
(1) The Repair Parts List includes asterisk
condemn and dispose at organizational level.
(*) entries in separate columns--one for Direct
F. . . . . . . . . . . . Reparable item. When not economical to repair,
Support (DS) and one for General Support (GS)--
condemn and dispose at the direct support level.
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