![]() TM 9-2520-270-34
This section contains general preparation, cleaning, inspection, repair, and fault isolation, Perform
these procedures during disassembley, repair, and assembly of the transmission, the container, and
their parts.
G E N E R A L . To prepare the transmission for maintenance, certain steps and precautions must
be followed. They are detailed in steps b thru e following.
b. PERSONNEL SAFETY. To ensure safety of personnel, proper care should be exercised when
handling the transmission and its subassemblies and parts. Many subassemblies are heavy.
Assistance of another person, lifting device, or other support equipment is needed to manipulate
them. Personnel should not try to handle heavy parts by hand. Ensure that all lifting devices are
in good working order. Personnel should remove wrist watches, rings, identification bracelets,
etc. Safety glasses (goggles) should be worn to protect the eyes.
c. EQU/PMENT. Obtain the proper equipment before beginning disassembly. This equipment
includes: a suitable lifting device with at least 1 l/2-ton capacity, a transmission tip-over
stand, proper hand tools and special tools, receptacles for small parts, a work table, wood
blocks, oil-soluble grease, and wiping cloths. See chapter 2, section V, for tools, equipment,
and parts.
d, H A N D L I N G T E C H N I Q U E S . Avoid damage to transmission and container parts and sub-
assemblies during the disassembly, cleaning, inspection, repair, and assembly procedures.
Nicks, scratches, and dents caused by careless handling can cause oil leakage or improper
functioning. This could result in a transmission failure. Replace or repair all defective parts,
When servicing the transmission, care must be used to protect it against contamination. Dirt,
s m a l l tools, and parts could fall into access holes and cavities. This could result in a
transmission failure. When a transmission is not being serviced, prctect it from contamination.
task relating to the specific part.
a. G E N E R A L . Procedures for cleaning will be the same for most transmission and container
parts. General cleaning procedures are detailed in steps b thru h following. Special cleaning
procedures are covered in the task relating to the specific part.
b. CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS. Care is needed in all cleaning procedures. Foreign matter such as
dirt and metal chips in the transmission could damage parts, cause malfunctions, and interfere
with accurate measurements, When you perform any cleaning procedure, do the following:
(1) Inspect all air and fluid openings, lines, and hoses. Make sure they are capped.
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