f. Gears.
whicoh defects which cannot be corrected will impair
the operation of the transmission.
and pitting at tooth contact areas.
(4) Inspect threaded openings for damaged
(2) Inspect bores of planetary pinions for wear
threads. Chase damaged threads with correct size
and pitting of bearing contact areas.
(3) Remove burs, using a soft honing stone.
(5) Replace housings or other cast parts that
Replace gears that are excessively worn or pitted.
are cracked or broken.
g. Splined Parts.
b. Roller or Ball Bearings. Refer to TM 9-214
(1) Inspect splined parts for twisted or broken
for proper cleaning and inspection procedures.
splines, burs, and excessive wear.
c. Needle-Type Roller Bearings.inspect bearings
(2) Remove burs. using a soft honing stone.
for free and smooth rotation, broken or missing
Replace parts which have twisted or broken splines
rollers. and tightness of fit in bore. If defects are
or excessive wear.
found, replace bearing, using proper replacer.
h. Clutch Plates.
Do not remove needle bearings unless
(1) Inspect nonmetallic plates for excessive
replacement is necessary, since removal
wear, cracks, breaks, and deep scoring. Replace
usually results i n destruction of the
plates if such defects are found.
(2) Inspect bronze-faced steel plates for burs,
d. Bushings. Bushing-Type Bearings, and Thrust
imbedded metal particles, severely pitted faces.
excessive wear. cracks, distortion, and damaged
( 1 ) Inspect bushings and bushing-type
spline teeth. Remove burs, using a soft honing
bearings for size, scoring and out-of-roundness,
stone. Replace plates which have other defects.
burs, sharp edges, and evidence of seizing. Minor
(3) Inspect steel plates for burs, scoring,
scores, scratches, and sharp edges may be removed
excessive wear, distortion, imbedded metal, galling,
with crocus cloth. Out-of-round, deeply scored, or
cracks, breaks, and damaged spline teeth. Remove
worn parts should be discarded.
burs and minor surface irregularities, using a soft
honing stone. Replace plates which have other
Do not remove bushings and bushing-type
bearings unless replacement is necessary,
i. Threaded Parts.
as removal usually damages these parts.
(1) Inspect all threaded parts for burs and
( 2 ) Remove bushings and bushing-type
stripped or damaged threads.
(2) Replace all parts which have stripped
bearings by using a puller or press when possible.
Bushings in blind holes may require removal by
threads or damage which cannot be repaired by
sawing or the use of a narrow cape chisel.
chasing the threads with a tap or die of the proper
If necessary to cut out a bushing, do not
j. Snap Rings. Inspect snap rings for nicks. burs.
damage the bore into Which it fits.
distortion, and wear. Discard snap rings which are
(3) Inspect thrust washers for wear, distortion,
scores and burs. Correct minor defects. Replace
k. Springs. Inspect springs for wear, distortion,
parts that are worn, deformed, or scored.
breaks. evidence of overheating, and loss of tension
e. Oil Seals. Performed Packings. and Gaskets.
or compression. Discard defective springs. Refer to
(1) Inspect hook-type seal rings for wear,
distortion, and broken hooks. Replace defective
1. Shafts and Spindles.
seal rings.
(1) Inspect shafts and spindles for excessive
(2) Inspect composition-type seal rings or
wear. bending. scores. cracks, burs, and obstructed
packings for wear. brittleness. cracks, cuts,
oil passages.
minor surface
deformation, and deterioration. Replace defective
R e m o v e burs and
irregularities with crocus cloth or a soft honing
(3) Inspect lip-type seals for cracks, wear,
stone. Remove obstructions by probing with soft
cuts, and brittleness. Inspect springs and seal
wire or with compressed air. Discard parts with
shells. Replace any seal found defective. Use a non-
other Defects.
hardening sealing compound on the outside
m. Ball-Type Valves.
diameter of the seal to prevent leakage.
(1) Inspect steel balls for rust. pitting. and
grooving. Inspect nylon balls for nicks, scratches,
grooving, and chipping, Discard balls which will
Removal of a seal will usually damage
it; inspect rigidly before reusing.
not seat properly.
(4) Replace all flat-type gaskets.
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