c. Front Governor (Gl) Circuit (blue, black--
Low-range clutch pressure is exhausted when the
low-intermediate shift valve is upward.
e. Intermediate-Range Clutch Circuit (red,
as described in paragraph 2-15c
yellow--fig. 2-5). At the intermediate-high shift
d. Rear Governor (G2) Circuit (green, black--
valve, main pressure. is connected to the in-
termediate-range clutch pressure line. This applies
as described in paragraph 2-15d except that in-
the clutch.
creased G2 pressure, in the absence of in-
j. Throttle Valve (TV) Circuit (blue, yellow--fig.
termediate-low inhibitor pressure, has forced the
2-5). The throttle valve (TV) circuit functions as
low-intermediate shift plug, shift valve, and blocker
plug upward. This allows main pressure to be
describe in paragraph 2-15f.
directed to the intermediate-high shift valve bore.
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