![]() TM 9-2520-249-34& P
(3) When previous operating temperature
Oil Pressure Readings
is not known, warm up the transmission and stabilize the
Use the oil pressures listed in the test data log sheet as
oil temperature, observing the oil temperature warning
normal values in testing the transmission. Record
system. To warm the transmission, operate the engine
actual values directly below the normal values shown on
at 1800 to 2000 rpm for 3 to 8 minutes while the vehicle
the log. Slight variations from normal pressures are
brakes are applied and the transmission is in fourth
gear. To stabilize the oil temperature, operate the
engine at 1000 to 1500 rpm while the vehicle brakes are
a. Preliminary Instructions. When testing the
applied and the transmission is in neutral.
transmission in a vehicle, the left- and right-track drive
(4) Stop the engine and, after 3 to 5
couplings must be disconnected.
minutes, check the oil level. Add or drain oil as'
b. Oil Level Check and Warmup.
required to bring the oil level to the mid point of the
(1) Check the transmission oil level
Operating Range on the oil level indicator.
before starting the engine. The oil level must be within
(5) To establish the oil level in the
the Operating Range marks on the oil level indicator.
transmission after draining the oil, add 10 U.S. gallons
(2) Add or drain oil as required to bring
of oil. Then adjust the oil level as outlined in (1)
the oil level within the Operating Range.
(4), above.
(6) To establish the oil level in the
To avoid overfilling, check the oil level either
transmission sump, add 14 U.S. gallons of oil. Then
following operation with hot oil (over 200F
adjust the oil level as outlined in (1) through (4), above.
operating temperature) or while the oil is cold
c. Oil Pressure Tests.
and the vehicle engine has not been started
(1) All necessary oil pressure tests can be
for a period of at least 8 hours. Always
made during the functional tests outlined in d, below,
consider oil temperature when adding oil.
and in figure 9-1.
(2) Figures 9-2 and 9-3 illustrate and
identify the transmission oil pressure check points.
Oil return to the reservoir, following operation,
will vary within a given time depending upon
oil temperature at shutdown. This will result in
variation of oil level.
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