TM 9-2520-249-34& P
69 Position output housing assembly (1) on wood
blocks as shown. Remove the sling (step 67).
70 Install eyebolt (1) into the end of output shaft
Working beneath the assembly. remove bolt
(2). Using a hoist, remove the output shaft.
(2), lockwasher (3), lock plate (4), gear (5) and a
gear assembly (3). brake hub (4) and attached
splined spacer with two seal rings. Remove the
parts. Remove the eyebolt. Using a 9/16-inch
two seal rings from the spacer.
wrench. remove eight self-locking bolts (5) and
plain washers.
When bolt (2) is removed. all items will fall
freely. Support gear (5) during removal of
the bolt.
71 Attach two legs of sling (1) using two of the bolts
removed. to brake and steer clutch assembly
(2). Remove the assembly by tapping the
housing lightly with a soft hammer while lifting
with the hoist. Remove the sling.
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