TM 9-2520-246-34
the movement of lubricant through the hole. Replace
5-28. General. Tests and adjustments can either be
pipe plug.
accomplished by installation on the vehicle or on a
transfer unit that is coupled to an engine and
b. Adjustment.
transmission installed on a dynamometer.
a. Operation. Test power takeoff model P-136-C for
(1) There are no adjustments required on the
power takeoff assembly.
the following:
(2) Refer to TM 9-2320-209-20/1 for the power
(1) Quiet operation.
takeoff linkage adjustment.
(2) Smooth and positive shifting.
(3) Observe for lubricant leaks.
5-29. Lubrication. Lubrication of the power takeoff is
(4) Inspect oil pump operation. Remove pipe
provided by the transfer. Refer to LO 9-2320-209-12/1
plug covering the shifter shaft setscrew and observe
for lubrication instructions.
(MODEL P-136-C)
5-30. General. The repair and replacement standards
the part or parts should be replaced when worn beyond
the limits given in the "Size and Fit of New Parts"
included herein give the minimum, maximum, and key
column. In the "Size and Fit of New Parts" column, the
clearance of new parts. The standards also give wear
letter "L" indicates a loose fit (clearance) and the letter
limits which indicate the point to which a part or parts
"T" indicates a tight fit (interference).
may be worn before replacement, in order to receive
m a x i m u m service with minimum replacement.
5-31. Repair and Replacement Standard Points of
Normally, all parts which have not been worn beyond the
dimensions shown in the "Wear Limits" column, or
damaged by corrosion, will be approved for service. An
repair and replacement standard points of measurement
asterisk (*) in the "Wear Limits" column indicates that
for power takeoff model P-136-C.
5-21 (5-22 blank)
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