TM 9-2520-246-34
cover for cracks or breakage. Small cracks that do not
transmission is assembled. Mount the mainshafts in
extend into the mounting holes can be repaired.
test centers and check for misalinement at bearing
Check and clean out all tapped holes; mark for repair
journals and along the entire length of the shaft by
any damaged holes or broken off studs in tapped
using a dial indicator. Misalinement in excess of
holes. Use a honing stone to smooth out any
0.001 inch is cause for rejection. Inspect the splines
scratches, burs, or gouges on the gasket surface.
and reject the shaft if splines are twisted, scored, or
Carefully check the shifter shaft and poppet ball
obviously worn. Smooth minor defects with slip stone
bores. If the shifter shaft bores are seriously scored,
or honing stone. Install the sliding internally splined
gouged, or galled, the cover must be rejected. Clean
gears on the mainshaft and clamp the mainshaft
up minor imperfections with crocus cloth. Reject the
upright in a bench vise. Check each gear, in turn, for
cover if the edges of the poppet ball bores are chipped
spline clearance by inserting a narrow feeler gage on
or rounded.
edge between the splines. Refer to repair and
replacement standards contained in the respective
2-10. Repair.
chapter for each assembly. If clearance is in excess of
this established tolerance, check with a new gear and
a. General.
new shaft to determine whether gear splines or shaft
splines are at fault. Reject the part at fault. Check
(1) This section contains repair instructions for
wear on front and rear bearings.
the assemblies discussed in this manual. Because the
material and construction are similar, the repair
(11) Countershafts. Follow the same procedure,
instructions will be given in general form. If special
when applicable to the countershaft, as outlined above
repair is required, refer to Cleaning, Inspection, and
for the mainshaft. Use a honing stone to smooth out
Repair section of the respective chapter for the
any burs, gouges, or scratches. Pay particular
attention to the section of the shaft that carries the
(2) Only high quality repairs are acceptable.
press fit gears, especially in and around the key slots.
Any deviation from the normal condition in this area
Makeshift or temporary repairs are not acceptable,
will cause considerable trouble when reassembling the
except in extreme emergencies.
gears on the shaft. Try the woodruff keys in the key
slots. If neither the key nor the slot is distorted or
(3) Small holes or cracks in assembly cases,
misshapen, the key will require only light tapping to
shifter shaft covers, or clutch housings may be
completely seat in the slot. Do not attempt to force
repaired by welding or brazing, provided they do not
the key into place; if difficulty is encountered, use a
extend into the bearing bores or mounting surfaces. It
new key.
should be noted, however, that these parts are cast
iron. A special technique is required to satisfactorily
(12) Input Shaft. Inspect the splines on the input
weld this type of material; ordinary welding methods
shaft for wear, twisting, or galling. Inspect bearing
and materials are not suitable. (Refer to TM 9-237.)
journals for wear. Determine that the gear teeth are
not cracked, broken, or otherwise damaged.
(4) Remove the short ends of any bolts or studs
broken off in tapped holes. Clean out and inspect all
(13) Shifter Fork Shafts. Check the shifter fork
tapped holes; retap where necessary. If hole threads
are stripped, or if holes are out-of-round, drill out to
shafts for misalinement by rolling them across a
next larger size and tap. Install a bolt or stud of the
smooth, level surface. Failure to roll, or rolling with a
correct size to fit the newly tapped hole.
bumping sound, indicates misalinement. Bent or
sprung shafts must be rejected, unless suitable
straightening equipment is available. Inspect the shaft
b. Handling After Inspection and Repair.
poppet ball detents for wear or damage. Reject the
shaft if detents are chipped or are not sharply defined.
(1) All parts, whether new or used, must be
lightly coated with lube oil (OE/HDO 30), ICE, MIL-
(14) Poppet Balls and Springs. Reject all poppet
L-2104, immediately after inspection and/or repair,
balls with flat spots and all weak or broken springs.
prior to assembly into the transmission. Oiling the
Use only those parts that are completely satisfactory.
parts gives them a rust-preventive coating and
facilitates the assembly operations.
(15) Shifter Forks. Inspect shifter forks, paying
particular attention to the lower fork ends. Bent,
(2) Make sure that all new gaskets and
broken, or sprung parts are to be rejected outright, as
replacement parts are available to replace those
repairs are impossible. Worn parts may be used at the
discretion of the inspector.
(3) Check to be sure that all parts are at hand so
(16) Shifter Shaft Cover. Inspect shifter shaft
the assembly operations may proceed without
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