TM 750-245-4
METALLIZING: A method of overlay or metal bonding to
which the necessary cutting temperature is maintained
repair worn parts.
by means of an arc between an electrode and the base
MIXING CHAMBER: That part of a welding or cutting
torch in which the gases are mixed for combustion.
OXY-CITY GAS CUTTING: An oxygen cutting process
in which the necessary cutting temperature is
MULTI-IMPULSE WELDING: The making of spot,
maintained by flames obtained from the combustion of
projection, and upset welds by more than one impulse of
city gas with oxygen.
current. When alternating current is used each impulse
may consist of a fraction of a cycle or a number of
OXY-HYDROGEN CUTTING: an oxygen cutting
process in which the necessary cutting temperature is
maintained by flames obtained by the combustion of
hydrogen with oxygen.
NEUTRAL FLAME: A gas flame in which the portion
OXY-HYDROGEN WELDING: A gas welding process in
used is neither oxidizing or reducing.
which the required welding temperature is attained by
flames obtained from the combustion of hydrogen with
potassium hydroxide required to neutralize one gram (by
OXY-NATURAL GAS CUTTING: An oxygen cutting
process in which the necessary cutting temperature is
NICK BREAK TEST: A method for testing the
maintained by flames obtained from the combustion of
soundness of welds by nicking each end of the weld,
natural gas with oxygen.
then giving the test specimen a sharp hammer blow to
break the weld, then giving the test specimen a sharp
OXY-PROPANE CUTTING: An oxygen cutting process
hammer blow to break the weld from nick to nick.
in which the necessary cutting temperature is
Visual inspection will show any weld defects.
maintained by flames obtained from the combustion of
propane with oxygen.
NONFERROUS: Metals which contain
no iron.
Aluminum, brass, bronze, copper and
lead are
OXYGEN CUTTING: A process of severing ferrous
metals by means of the chemical action of oxygen on
elements in the base metal at elevated temperatures.
NUGGET: The fused metal zone of a resistance weld.
OXYGEN GOUGING: An application of oxygen cutting
in which a chamfer or groove is formed.
OPEN CIRCUIT VOLTAGE: The voltage between the
terminals of the welding source when no current is
flowing in the welding circuit.
PASS: The weld metal deposited in one general
progression along the axis of the weld.
OVERHEAD POSITION: The position in which welding
is performed from the underside of a joint and the face
PEENING: The mechanical working of metals by means
of the weld is approximately horizontal.
of hammer blows. Peening tends to stretch the surfaces
of the cold metal, thereby relieving contraction stresses.
OVERLAP: The protrusion of weld metal beyond the
bond at the toe of the weld.
PENETRANT INSPECTION: a. Fluorescent. - A water-
washable penetrant with high fluorescence and low
OXIDIZING FLAME: A flame in which the oxygen
surface tension. It is drawn into small surface openings
combines with all the acetylene or fuel available and
by capillary action. When exposed to black light the dye
then the excess oxygen oxidizes the metal.
will fluoresce.
b. Dye - A process which involves the use of three
OXY-ACETYLENE CUTTING: An oxygen cutting
non-corrosive liquids. First, the surface cleaner solution
process in which the necessary cutting temperature is
is used. Then the penetrant is applied and allowed to
maintained by flames obtained from the combustion of
stand at least 5 minutes. After standing, the penetrant is
acetylene with oxygen.
removed with the cleaner solution and the developer is
applied. The dye penetrant, which has remained in the
OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING: A welding process in
surface discontinuity, will be drawn to the surface by the
which the required temperature is attained by flames
developer resulting in bright red indications.
obtained from the combustion of acetylene with oxygen.
OXY-ARC CUTTING: An oxygen cutting process in
standard-weight cone penetrates into a grease at a set
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