![]() TM 746-10
Block and brace with wood.
Cushion with
reusable metal container is not available, unit pack
polyethylene foam to prevent damage from shock or
submethod IIc. Cushion item with polyethylene foam.
Place in a bag of watervaporproof barrier material.
Properly place correct amount of desiccant and heat
cc. Tanks, fuel.
seal bag.
Place sealed bag in an overseas-type
(1) Apply P-2 to bare, exposed, and uncoated
plywood box. Secure item in box to prevent damage
metal surfaces, wrap preserved areas with greaseproof
from movement or shock.
barrier material, and secure with tape.
bx. Steps and ladders.
(2) Unit pack method I. Place in an overseas
(1) Apply P-2 to bare, exposed, and uncoated
type plywood box. Block and brace with wood.
metal surfaces, wrap with greaseproof barrier material,
Cushion with polyethylene foam to prevent damage
and secure with tape.
from shock or movement.
(2) Unit pack method I. Place item in an
cd. Tanks, oil and hydraulic.
overseas-type plywood box. Use wood blocking and
(1) Flush with operating fluid. Plug, cap, or
bracing padded with polyethylene foam to prevent
tape all openings. Apply P-2 to bare, exposed, and
damage from shock or movement.
uncoated metal surfaces, wrap with greaseproof barrier
by. Supports and brackets.
material, and secure with tape.
(1) Apply P-2 to bare, exposed, and uncoated
(2) Unit pack method I. Pack items that do
metal surfaces, wrap preserved areas with greaseproof
not have any dimensions greater than 16 inches and
barrier material, and secure with tape.
weight not exceeding 25 pounds in a fiberboard box.
(2) Unit pack method I. Place in an overseas
Cushion with bound fiber material. Pack larger items
type plywood box.
Block and brace with wood
that properly fit in a container of no more than 9-inch
cushioned with polyethylene foam. Secure item to
depth and weight not exceeding 40 pounds in a shallow
prevent damage from shock or movement.
box of wood and plywood. Pack items exceeding the
above weight or dimension limitations in a plywood box.
bz. Swashplates.
Cushion top, bottom, and sides with sufficient bound
(1) Apply P-2 to bare, exposed, and uncoated
fiber material to prevent damage from shock or
metal surfaces, wrap preserved areas with greaseproof
barrier material, and secure with tape.
(3) Pack a number of unit packed items in an
(2) Unit pack submethod IId. Cushion top,
overseas-type plywood box.
bottom, and sides with sufficient bound fiber material to
ce. Tires, pneumatic. Unit pack method III. Pile a
prevent damage from shock or movement. Distribute
number of tires in an open crate slightly larger than the
and secure correct amount of desiccant in reusable
diameter of the tires.
metal container. When appropriate metal container is
not available, unit pack item submethod IIc. Cushion
cf: Trainers (flight simulators ejection seat and
item with polyethylene foam and place in a bag of
maintenance, aircraft fire. Pack method III. Place in an
watervaporproof barrier material. Distribute and secure
overseas-type plywood or wood box. Securely block
correct amount of desiccant. Heat seal bag. Place
and brace with wood. Cushion with polyethylene foam
sealed bag in an overseas-type plywood box. Secure
to prevent damage from shock or movement.
item to prevent damage from shock or movement.
cg. Transmissions.
ca. Swashplate collars.
(1) Drain transmission and flush with clean
(1) Apply P-2 to bare, exposed, and uncoated
operating fluid. Cap, plug, or tape all openings.
metal surfaces, wrap preserved areas with greaseproof
(2) Unit pack submethod IId.
barrier material, and secure with tape.
transmission in appropriate reusable metal container.
(2) Unit pack method I. Place preserved and
Secure item and place correct amount of desiccant. If
wrapped item in a weather-resistant fiberboard box.
container is not available, unit pack method I. Apply P-2
Cushion top, bottom, and sides with sufficient bound
to bare, exposed, and uncoated metal surfaces and
fiber material to prevent damage from shock or
wrap preserved areas with greaseproof barrier material.
movement. Seal container with tape.
Place in overseas-type plywood box. Block and brace
with wood. Cushion with polyethylene foam to prevent
(3) Place a number of fiberboard boxes in an
damage from shock or movement.
overseas-type plywood box.
ch. Turbine engine parts and accessories.
cb. Tailbooms, fuselages, and pylon assemblies.
(1) Apply P-2 to all bare, exposed, and
(1) Apply P-2 to bare, exposed, and uncoated
uncoated metal surfaces, wrap preserved areas with
metal surfaces, wrap preserved areas with greaseproof
greaseproof barrier material, and secure with tape.
barrier material, and secure with tape.
(2) Unit pack method I. Package items that
(2) Unit pack method I. Place in a plywood
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