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TM 746-10
wood key blocks in the box corners to immobilize.
c. Armament subsystems. This instruction covers
Securely nail all blocking (fig 4-2 and 4-5.).
requirements for all armament subsystems. Refer to the
topical index of this manual for packaging instructions of
(12) Rack and support assemblies. Preserve
components which are common to more than one
and wrap per (11) above. Secure one rack and support
subsystem or end item. Disassemble components, as
assembly to a plywood side support with three bolts,
necessary, to accomplish thorough cleaning.
washers, and nuts.  (Locate and support in a vertical
position-not flat.) Secure second rack and support
assembly in the same manner. Place framework and
the two racks and supports into a fiberboard box and
Do not submerge electric motors,
close with tape.
sealed bearings, cable assemblies,
or other electrical components in
(13) Control panels. No preservative required.
Wrap each control panel in greaseproof
barrier material and secure with tape. (Sandwich panels
which have no outer metal protectors between two
(1) Machine guns. Package per paragraph 4-
pieces of fiberboard and secure fiberboard together with
tape.)  Overwrap,  as  applicable,  with  cellulosic
(2) Grenade launchers.
Package per q(l)
cushioning and unit pack submethod IA-8. Place one
control panel in a fiberboard box. Seal box with tape.
(3) Rocket launchers.
Package per q(2)
(14) Loose attaching hardware.  Preserve all
metal, loose attaching, hardware items such as bolts,
(4) Fire  control  and  sighting  equipment.
screws, nuts, washers, clamps, and brackets with P-9.
Package per the general provisions of paragraph 4-101
Unit pack hardware in a bag, submethod IC-1, clearly
and as otherwise listed in the topical index.
identified as to contents and parent item; component; or
(5) Turret assembly component.  Preserve
assembly for which it is to be used for reassembly, and
unpainted, ferrous metal surfaces with P-9. Secure the
secure with tape or place adjacent to the mated item,
turret assembly to a plywood base with bolts, washers,
component, or assembly.
and nuts. Place the item and base in a wood or plywood
(15) System packing.  Place all processed
box.  Shroud the assembly with greaseproof barrier
components into a plywood box. Fill all container void
material and secure in place with tape.  Locate four
with bound fiber or wood blocking, as applicable. Nail
wood key blocks in the box corners to secure the
all wood blocking securely.
assembly in place. Nail all blocking securely.
d. Armored reconnaissance vehicle, M551.
(6) Ammunition chuting.  Wrap chuting in
(1) Gun launcher. CLean and dry the barrel
greaseproof barrier material and secure with tape.
bore and associated parts per paragraph 4-101b(3).
(7) Ammunition boxes.
Process per the
Retain gun launcher in battery with travel lock secured
general provisions of paragraph 4-101.
in locked position. Roll a strip of VCI into a tube, treated
(8) Junction  boxes,  intervolometers,  and
side out.  Insert rolled strip into gun launcher bore
electrical components.  Do not apply preservatives.
extending entire length of bore and chamber. Fabricate
Wrap each item in greaseproof barrier and secure with
wood muzzle plug for the muzzle end. Wrap muzzle
tape. Overwrap item with cellulosic cushioning or bound
plug with greaseproof barrier and insert plug into barrel
fiber securing cushioning with tape.
Unit pack
bore. Secure in place with tape. Completely seal the
submethod IA-8. Place bagged item in a fiberboard box
point around muzzle plug and gun launcher with tape.
and seal with tape.
Place a polyethylene film bag over muzzle end of the
(9) Cable  assemblies.
Package  per
gun launcher and secure in place with tape. Run tape
lengthwise onto bag and 6 inches onto painted surfaces
of the gun launcher.  Seal bag to cannon with tape.
(10) Recoil adapters, crossovers, feeders, and
Apply tape around the gun launcher onto both bag and
drive units.
Package per this paragraph and as
painted surfaces.  Apply two 1-inch strips at equal
otherwise indicated in the general provisions of
intervals between muzzle end and the area where bag is
sealed to gun launcher.
(11) Mount assemblies (pylons).
(2) Breech mechanism and coupling. Coat all
unpainted, ferrous metal surfaces with P-9.  Wrap
unpainted surfaces including phosphated surfaces on
preserved surfaces with greaseproof barrier material
the breech coupling, breech chamber, and breech
and secure in place with tape. Secure one pylon to a
operating  and  firing  mechanisms  with  P-11.
wood base with bolts, washers, and nuts.  Place the
base and pylon in a wood or plywood box. Locate four

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