![]() TM 746-10
container must contain the following minimum
of the identification side) shall also be marked in
identification information:
addition to the identification side.
(1) National stock number (NSN).
f Unpacked major equipment identification
(2) Item description.
shall not require identification markings. When items do
(3) Quantity and unit of issue.
not have marking plates, markings shall be stenciled on
(4) Preserved on (month-day-year) for a
a marking panel made of wood, plywood, or fiberboard,
maximum of 180 days or "not preserved," when
and the marking panel shall be placed in the most
suitable location on the item. If stenciled panels cannot
(5) Gross weight and cube (exterior container
be easily applied, a label shall be applied directly onto
the equipment surface with PPP-T-60, type III, class 2,
(6) Condition code F (unserviceable and
or PPP-T-70 pressure-sensitive tape that is placed over
reparable). It should be noted that condition code F
the label and is extended a minimum of half an inch
shall be applied only to those items that have been
from all edges of the label. For unpacked vehicles,
classified as unserviceable and economically reparable.
identification markings and address markings shall be
Any other type of packaged materiel designated for
applied by stencil or label to a marking panel
return to recycling shall utilize the original identification
constructed of wood or wood-based panel (Y4-inch
markings as stated earlier.
minimum thickness), %inch lumber, or Ys-inch
hardboard (masonite or equal).
When possible,
markings shall be located on the vehicle at a height of
d. Multipack identification markings.
not more than 6 feet or less than 4 feet. If the above
containers of unrelated items are consolidated into a
locations are not practical, select the best alternate
shipping container, the word "MULTIPACK" shall be
applied to the shipping container along with the level of
pack, date of pack, and gross weight and cube instead
g. Palletized unit load identification marking (fig 3-
of the normal exterior container identification markings.
Condition code F shall also be applied to rnultipack
load shall be marked as specified herein. The palletized
containers when the multipacks contain line items that
load shall be placed on the pallet so that the markings
have been classified as unserviceable and economically
on the individual containers do not show on the two
In addition to the exterior container
adjacent sides of the pallet load. Palletized loads with
multipack identification markings, each interior pack
smooth surfaces may have the identification markings of
within the multipack shall be marked with the following
the pallet load stenciled on the surfaces of two side-by-
minimum information:
applicable NSN, item
side, consecutive containers on the load. If the load
description, quantity, and unit of issue. An example of
does not have smooth surfaces, the markings shall be
the exterior container identification markings on a
applied on a weather-resistant fiberboard, wood, or
multipack is-
wood-based panel (Y-inch minimum thickness). Tags or
labels may be used as alternatives. If stretch wrap on a
palletized load obscures the identification markings,
A 12/88
pressure-sensitive labels may be applied to the
WT 100 CU 4
outermost layer of stretch wrap. These outside labels
An example of the minimum identification markings to
shall be in addition to the markings already applied.
be placed on an interior container within a multipack is
Labels shall be placed on either side of the load or on a
marking board. All markings should be not less than
three-fourths of an inch in height.
1 EA
The DD Form 1387 (Military Shipment Label) shall be
e. Placement of identification markings (fig 3-13).
used when preparing address markings.
Markings on unit and intermediate packs shall be
located to allow the markings to be easily read when the
containers are stored on shelves or stacked and to
(1) For shipments other than mail, the
ensure that the markings will not be destroyed when the
address label shall be completed as follows:
pack is opened for inspection. On a unit pack, the
outermost wrap, bag, or container shall be marked. For
(a) TCN
exterior containers under 10 cubic feet, markings shall
number). Enter the 17-character (alphanumeric) TCN in
be applied to the upper left two-thirds of the side of the
both forms (bar coded, if possible, and in-the-clear).
container having the largest marking surface area.
(b) Postage data. Leave blank.
Containers over 10 cubic feet are marked in the same
location, but one end of the container (the end to the left
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