TM 55-4940-353-13&P
A - 1.
Dictionaries of Terms and Abbreviations
AR 310-25 ......................... Dictionary of United States Army Terms
AR 310-50 ......................... Authorized Abbreviations and Brevity Codes
A - 2.
Publication Indexes
DA PAM 310-1 ................... Index of Administration Publications
DA PAM 310-2. ................... Index of Blank Forms
DA PAM 310-4. ................... Index of Technical Manuals, Technical Bulletins, Supply Manuals (types 7,
8, and 9), Supply Bulletins, and Lubrication Orders
A - 3.
Logistics and Storage
TM 740-90-1 ...................... Administrative Storage of Equipment
TM 743-200-1 .................... Storage and Materials Handling
A - 4.
Maintenance of Supplies and Equipment
AR 750-1 ........................... Army Material Maintenance Concepts and Policies
TM 38-750. ......................... The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS)
TM 43-0139 ....................... Painting Operations Instructions for Field Use
A - 5.
Other Publications
AR 420-90 ......................... Fire Prevention and Protection
AR 55-38 ........................... Reporting of Transportation Discrepancies in Shipments
AR 700-58 ......................... Packaging Improvement Report
DA PAM 310-13 ................. Military Publications Posting and Filing
TM-21-11 ........................... First Aid for Soldiers
TB 43-180 .......................... Calibration Requirements for the Maintenance of Army Materiel
TM 750-244-1-4. ................. Procedures for the Destruction of Aviation Ground Support Equipment
(FSC 4920) to Prevent Enemy Use
A-1/(A-2 blank)
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