TM 55-4920-433-13&P
Remove four special retainer screws (3)
from top bar (4). Remove three special retainer screws
(5) from bottom bar (6). Stow screws in storage chest.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 with other ECU.
c. Repositioning ECUs in support frames.
1. Slide ECU (1) off fold-down shelf (2)and
carry to personnel door (3). (For shelter P/N 136-0000-
101) Slide ECU (4) off fold-down shelf (5) and carry to
cargo door (6). (For shelter P/N 5-4-2828-1) Slide ECU
(4) off fold-down shelf (5A) and carry to cargo door (6).
Change 1 2-24