4920-00-176-9236 ">
![]() TM 55-4920-424-13&P
7-14. Assembly and Ins tallation of Brake Shoe and Lining Assemblies. Installation of the brake shoe and lining
assemblies is the reverse of the removal procedure given in paragraph 7-13, except as follows:
a. Apply a light film of Lubriplate (item 6, App D): (1) contact points of brake shoe and backing plate: (2) contact
points of brake actuating lever and backing plate: (3) contact surface of anchor pin plate and backing plate: and
(4) anchor pin threads.
While performing adjustments, feeler gage must be a snug fit and must extend
through entire width of lining. Clearance is to be determined at closest point of full
b. For initial adjustment of brake shoe and lining assemblies, insert a feeler gage between lining and drum nearest
shoe adjusting eccentric. Turn eccentric clockwise and obtain a 0.008-inch clearance between lining and drum.
Tighten eccentric nut.
c. Insert a feeler gage between lining and drum nearest anchor pins. Adjust anchor pins and obtain a 0.005-inch
clearance between lining and drum. Tighten anchor pin nut.
7-15. ADJUSTMENT OF BRAKES. (see figure 5-4.)
7-16. Proper brake action and proper brake lining contact is obtained by adjustment at three points. These are the
knurled brake handle, the brake shoe adjusting eccentrics (cams), and the rod and clevis connections of the brake
linkage. The following steps outline the procedure for complete adjustment of the brake system.
a. Mount aft end of trailer on a suitable support with tires clearing ground. Block front tires.
b. Release parking brakes (brake handle down).
c. Turn knurled adjustment section of brake handle counterclockwise and release all tension in brake linkage.
d. Hold adjusting cam in position with an open-end wrench, and loosen cam locking nut.
e. Spin wheel and turn adjusting cam in proper direction to expand brake shoe until a heavy drag is reached, then
gradually turn back adjusting cam until wheel turns freely.
f. Make this adjustment at top and bottom cams for each brake shoe. Hold adjusting cam in position and tighten
cam locking nut.
g. Turn knurled section of brake handle clockwise, taking up slack in linkage, until brakes are fully applied when
brake handle is in "up" position.
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