![]() TM 55-4920-328-13-2
O - T73 Engines
indicates the complete item or major assembly. Part
P - T74 Turboprop Engines
number descriptions under 2 through 7, indicate
V - T700-GE-700, -701 Turboshaft
components of the previous assembly.
W - T700-GE-701C Turboshaft
(2) Vendor Code. Except for Government
Standard parts, "No Number" parts and commercial
(COML) parts, the part number column lists the true
manufacturers part number. When the part number
listed is not an Avco Lycoming Division or Government
Standard part number, a vendor's code number is used
to indicate the manufacturer. This is a five digit number.
a. When Part Number is Known. To find the
The vendor's name and address can be obtained by
illustration and part description, proceed as follows:
referring to table 7-1.
(1) Locate the part number in Section III,
d. Quantity Per Assembly. The quantity per
Numerical Index.
assembly column lists the total quantity of the listed part
required in the immediate assembly. The abbreviation
(2) Note the figure and index number opposite
"Ref" indicates that the part number listing is repeated
the part number.
and reference should be made to its first listing.
(3) Refer to the figure and index number in this
e. Usable on Code. Kit parts variations are
indicated by letter symbol in the Usable on Code column.
When this column is left blank, the part listed applies to
(4) The part will be found in the illustration as
all engines covered by the applicable engine accessories
indicated by the index number.
listed in this section.
The code letters used are
explained as follows:
(5) The description of the part will be found in
the Group Assembly Parts List opposite the index
A - T53-L-5, -9A, -9B Turboshaft
B - T53-L-11 Turboshaft Engine s
b. When Part Number is Not Known. To find the
C - T53-L-11A Turboshaft Engines
part number, proceed as follows:
D - T53-L-11B Turboshaft Engines
E - T53-L-13 Turboshaft Engines
(1) Refer to the Table of Contents for page
F - T53-L-13A Turboshaft Engines
number of the figure that illustrates the required part.
G - T53-L-7 Turboprop Engines
H - T53-L-15 Turboprop Engines
(2) Locate the part on the illustration and note
J - T55-L-7 Turboshaft Engines
the index number.
K - T55-L-7C Turboshaft Engines
L - T55-L-11 Turboshaft Engines
(3) Refer to the index number in the Group
M - T63 A-5A Turboshaft Engines
Assembly Parts List for the part number and description
N - T63 A-700 Turboshaft Engines
of the item.
Change 5 7-2
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