TM 55-4920-325-14&P
six capacitor assemblies C404 (10), C405 (11),
a. Tag, unsolder and remove resistor R118
C412 (12), C411 (13), C409 (14), and C408 (15)
(1) from teflon terminal (22) and transformer T101
from lower simulator chassis (28).
c. Remove two cross-recessed screws (16),
b. Tag, unsolder and remove resistor R119
two hex nuts ( 17) and detach three solder lugs
(2) from transformer T101 (6) and solder lug (5).
(18) and capacitor assembly C407 (19) from lower
c. Remove four hex nuts (3) and four lock-
simulator chassis (28).
washers (4) and detach solder lug (5) and trans-
d. Remove hex nut (20) and two insulating
former T101 (6) from mounting bracket (19).
washers (21 and 22) and detach connector J405
d. Remove two cross-recessed screws (7),
(23) from lower simulator chassis (28).
two hex nuts (8) and two Iockwashers (9) and de-
e. Remove hex nut (24) and washer (25) and
tach solder lug (10) and capacitor assembly C7
detach connector J404 (26) from lower simulator
(11) from mounting bracket (19).
chassis (28).
f. Remove two bumpers (27) from lower sim-
(12) from two teflon terminals (22).
ulator chassis (28).
f. Tag, unsolder and remove capacitor C108
4-13. Cleaning.
(13) from potentiometer R120 (16) and teflon ter-
minal (22).
g. Remove hex nut (14) and washer (15) and
Solvent (item 2, table 1-4) is toxic and
detach potentiometer R120 (16) from mounting
flammable. Use in well ventilated area.
bracket (19).
Avoid breathing of vapors and contact
with skin. Keep away from flames and
h. Remove four cross-recessed screws (17)
other ignition sources.
and four Iockwashers (18) to separate mounting
bracket (19) from mounting bracket (20).
Clean all parts, except electrical contacts, using
a clean, lint-free cloth moistened in ethyl alchohol
(item 1, table 1-4). Remove stubborn deposits of
To replace capacitor assemblies C105I
dirt, grease and grime, using solvent (item 2, table
C106 (24), C103IC104 (25), or C101/
C102 (26), refer test set to higher level
pressed air, 15 psi maximum. Clean electrical
of mairrtenance.
contacts using a dry, lint-free cloth.
i. Remove grommet (21) from mounting
4-14. Detailed Repair Instructions.
bracket (19).
Detailed repair of the test set consists of re-
j. Remove four teflon terminals (22) from
placing defective parts or assemblies. Refer to
mounting bracket (19).
those steps of the disassembly procedures re-
4-12. Disassembly of Capacitance Simulator As-
quired to remove the defective component. The
following paragraphs provide instructions for re-
To disassemble capacitance simulator assem-
assembly of the panel assembly, capacitance as-
bly, refer to figure 4-14 and proceed as follows:
sembly, bracket assembly and capacitance sim-
ulator assembly and repair of cable assembles.
After all assemblies are reassembled, refer to
As disassembly proceeds, tag and dis-
connect wiring as required.
As reassembly proceeds, do not strip
hex nuts (2) and detach six solder lugs (3) and
coax insulation or shielding mor e than
capacitor assemblies C403 (4), C406 (5) and C410
1/4" from solder connection. Be certain
(6) from lower simulator chassis (28).
shields are properly grounded. lm-
b. Remove 12 cross-recessed screws (7), 12
proper grounding will cause inaccurate
hex nuts (8) and 12 Iockwashers (9) and detach
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