TM 55-4920-201-14
established, add to the assembly a measured
am amount of unbalance (w x d) equal to the balance
tolerance. Addition of this amount of unbalance
7-17. The listed arbor sensitivity setting for a given
should cause the centralized balance indication to
assembly may be verified in the following manner:
shift until the black indicator disc circle becomes
a. Mount propeller or blade on the arbor in
tangent with the indicator bushing circle. If this
accordance with the instructions applying to the
occurs, sensitivity setting is satisfactory.
individual assembly.
b. Position piloting adapters on arbor at the
listed sensitivity setting in accordance with ap-
Static balance tolerance for the specific
plicable instructions.
assembly being balanced is usually
c. Install quick-disconnect coupling; hoist
specified in the applicable maintenance or
arbor and balancing assembly approximately 1/4
overhaul instructions for the assembly.
inch off work stand or other support. Check to
(Refer to appendix A).
insure that suspended assembly if free from in-
terference with stand or other objects.
f. If the indicator deflection from the cen-
tralized position, caused by addition of the balance
d. Observe stabilized balance indication and
tolerance, w x d, is less than the tangency point of
add temporary weights, as required, to centralize
the two circles, insufficient sensitivity is indicated;
balance indication. If balance indication cannot be
repeat the procedures above with assembly
centralized, too high a CG position on the arbor
mounted higher on the arbor. Conversely, if the
(instability) is indicated. Try lower positions of the
introduction of the balance tolerance, w x d, causes
assembly on the arbor until the balance indication
displacement of the balance indication beyond the
can be centralized by addition of temporary
tangency point of the two circles, sensitivity is too
great and the assembly should be repositioned
e. Once the centralized indication is
lower on the arbor.
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