TM 55-4920-201-14
qualified instrument repair shop or return to
5-21. Addition of Damping Oil to Balancing
manufacturer for overhaul.
Arbors. Should excessive oscillation of balance
indications develop due to inadvertent loss of arbor
5-18. Optical Alignment System (7HEL056 Kit).
dash-pot oil, or should change of dash-pot oil or oil
Local repair of this unit is not recommended. If
level become necessary, proceed as follows:
malfunction of the scope support assembly or the
scopes should occur, return the complete 7HEL056
a. Balancing arbor, part no. 2259 (7A050
kit to the manufacturer for overhaul.
kit). Remove the two filler hole screws located in
knurled section of arbor and, with arbor in upright
position, fill arbor to filler hole level with OE/HDO-
5-20. General. Immediately prior to each ap-
50 oil, Military Specification MIL-L-2104. (See
plication of kit components, carefully wipe all
external and internal mating surfaces of arbors and
in this arbor assembly. To insure that small air
adapter components with lint-free cloth or paper
spaces inside arbor are completely filled, repeat this
cleanring tissue to remove old oil and ac-
operation two or three timer at intervals of 10
cumulations of fine dust or other foreign matter.
minutes. To drain arbor dash-pot chamber, lay
Seizing of cones, bushings, adapterr, etc., on
arbor on its side and allow oil to drain through one
balance arbors is almost invariably caused by fine
of the open filler screw holes. Always reinstall filler
particles of dirt or other foreign matter. Thoroughly
hole screws following completion of draining or
cleaned mating surfaces will facilitate installation
refilling operation.
of close-fitting parts and will help insure
satisfactory balance.
Change 2 5-3
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