![]() TM 55-4920-201-14
4-48. OH-23 (Series D, F, And G) Tail Rotor
sleeve setscrews (5), using 3 / 32-inch hex wrench
Complete Assembly Balance Check. (See figure 4-
(2, figure 1-18).
e. Insert lower end of arbor downward through
rotor hub splines, spacer (3, figure 4-29) and
fixture assembly (2), pressing all components
The following procedure may be used in
firmly together. Lock components in this position
cases where selective matching of used or
required rotor blades with new replacement
by moderate and uniform tightening of two lower
blade is required. For prior balancing of
fixture setscrews (9), using 3 / 32-inch hex wrench
rotor hub and yoke assembly only, refer to
(2, figure 1-18).
f. Install quick-disconnect coupling
a. Set fixture assembly (2), recessed aide up on
(7HEL053 or 7A050 kit) on arbor suspension
suitable auxiliary support block (1).
coupler, and suspend entire assembly free of in-
b. Place spacer (3) central on top of fixutre
terference. Position rotor pitch arm ball ends
assembly (2) hub.
vertically downward and keep them symmetrically
c. Set tail rotor assembly (4) approximately
positioned during balance checks, and note the
central on fixture assembly.
balance condition indicated by black indicator disc
d. Install sleeve (6), hub downward, on
at top end of the arbor.
balancing arbor (7), aligning top of sleeve with 8-
g. For balance tolerance and application of
inch position on arbor scale (8). Lock sleeve in this
balance corrections, refer to applicable helicopter
position by moderate and uniform tightening of two
manual. (Refer to appendix A.)
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