TM 55-4920-201-14
4-45. OH-23 Engine Fan Assemblies Track and
setscrew (12), using 3 / 32-inch hex wrench (2,
Concentricity Check. (See figure 4-26).
a. Select applicable extension pilot plug as
e. Clamp fixture assembly (2, figure 4-26),
follows: use extension pilot plug (11) for fan
recessed side downward, on surface plate (1) or
assemblies prior to OH-23 series D (view A); use
other firm support surface.
extension pilot plug (15) for OH-23 series D, F,
f. Install plug (4) in hub of fixture assembly
and G fan assemblies (view B).
(2) so that approximately 1 inches of plug
projects above top of hub. Lock plug securely in
b. Assemble applicable extension pilot plug
this position with two upper fixture setscrews (3),
in coupling (6) against coupling stop pins (7) as
using 3 / 32-inch hex wrench (2, figure 1-18).
shown. Secure plug with two upper coupling set-
g. Install open end of coupling (6, figure 4-
screws (8) at extension pilot plug end of coupling,
26) (attached to fan assembly) over plug (4),
using 3 / 32-inch hex wrench (2, figure 1-18).
bottoming plug against coupling stop pins (7). Do
c. Insert extension pilot plug through hub of
not lock coupling lower setscrews.
engine fan assembly (9, figure 4-26) from flat side
h. Install inch mushroom point on dial
of fan assembly.
indicator (13), and adjust height gage assembly
d. Install collar (10) over projecting end of
(14) to read track or concentricity variations as
extension pilot plug as follows: for fan assemblies
required. Rotate fan assembly to determine range
prior to OH-23 series D, install collar with flat end
of variations.
toward fan assembly (view A); for OH-23 series D,
i. For track and concentricity tolerances and
F, and G fan assemblies, install collar with cone
application of corrections, refer to applicable
end toward fan assembly (view B). Seat collar and
extension pilot plug firmly against sides of fan
helicopter manual. (Refer to appendix A).
assembly hub, and lock in position with collar
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