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Page Title: UH-1C, UH-1E, UH-1L, UH-1M, AH-1J, TH-1L, TH-1G, and AH-1G Main Rotor Hub Assembly (540 Series Hub) Balance Check
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TM 55-4920-201-14
m. For balance tolerance and application of
balance correction, refer to applicable helicopter
1. Fixture (2337, 7HEL054
4-38. UH-1C, UH-1E, UH-1L, UH-1M, AH-1J,
2. Sleeve (2467, 7HEL054
TH-1L, TH-1G, and AH-1G Main Rotor Hub
Assembly (540 Series Hub) Balance Check. (See
3. Adapter (2588, 7HEL061
a. Assemble the hoist support structure by
4 . Adapter setscrew
substituting the part no. 2769 tube assembly to
5. Yoke (2589, 7HEL061
provide additional vertical arm height in lieu of
part no. 2288 tube (7A050 kit). The part no. 2769
6. Balancing arbor (2259,
tube is 38 inches long and is a supplementary
7A050 kit)
miscellaneous detail that is not available in the
7. Arbor scale
7A050 kit.
8. Rotor hub assembly
9. Spacer (7A050 kit) (2201
b. Center fixture (1, figure 4-20) on stand
or 2202)
table assembly (16, figure 4-20).
10. Drag strut
c. Install adapter (2, figure 4-20), heavy end
11.  Drag strut positioning
downward, over top of fixture (1) and seat on upper
gage  (2486,  7HEL061
shoulder of fixture central projection. Lock adapter
in this position by tightening adapter setscrew (3),
12. Gage inner position
using 1/8-inch hex wrench (7A050, 7HEL054, and
13. Gage outer position
7HEL066 kits).
14. Handwheel (2215, 7A050
d. Insure that two grip positioning links (15),
(Bell tool no. T101466), together with suitable eye
15. Stand table (7A050)
bolts, are installed on the rotor to hold blade grips
in symmetrical pitch positions. Arrangement of
F, H & N, install part no. 2201 spacer. Install hand
bolts, nuts, and washers used for attachement of
wheel (14) in bottom end of arbor and tighten to
these links should be identical on both sides.
clamp both legs of yoke (5) firmly against top
e. Carefully lower rotor hub assembly (8) over
surface of rotor hub.
fixture (1), aligning inside diameter of splined
k. Using gage (11) as shown, swing rotor hub
trunnion with piloting diameter of adapter (2), and
drag struts to symmetrical angular positions. For
insuring that cone surface of splined trunnion seats
UH-1A, use gage inner position 112); for UH-1B,
firmly on cone surface of adapter (2).
D, F, H & N models, use gage outer position (13).
f. Install yoke (4), legs downward on
Remove gage from rotor assembly during sub-
balancing arbor (5) and position so that top surface
sequent balance check.
of its locking collar (sensitivity setting reference,
l. Install quick-disconnect assembly with
figure 4-20) aligns with 15-3/8-inch position on arbor
3/16-inch cable (7A050
kit) on arbor (6)
scale (6). Lock yoke firmly in this position on arbor
suspension rod and engage cable in lifting plate of
with its collar screws, using 3/16-inch hex wrench
hydraulic pump assembly (7A050 kit). Hoist entire
(7HEL066 kit).
assembly approximately inch off work stand.
g. Install arbor downward through rotor
Check to insure that suspended assembly is free
trunnion and fixture assembly. Seat legs of yoke in
from interference with work stand and other ob-
milled areas on top surfaces of hub yoke, central
jects, and note balance condition indicated by black
with scribed lines.
indicator disc at top end of arbor.
h. Position jacks (7) on the top surface of the
rotor hub yoke so that their inboard ends bear
In order to insure that the part no. 2215
against the central boss of the hub yoke, centered
hand wheel suspends free of interference
below the scribe lines mentioned in step g and their
within the inside diameter of the stand
outboard ends hear centrally against the shoulders
table, it may be necessary to adjust the level
of the inboard bearing housings of the blade grip
of the stand assembly by installing suitable
assemblies. Adjust jacks to provide uniform out-
wood blocks or spacers under the two
ward pressure sufficient to insure blade grips are
tubular stand legs.
seated in their full outward positions.

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