TM 55-4920-201-14
Do not use solvent near open flame or in
area where very high temperatures prevail.
7HEL051. (See figure 1-16.)
3-22. Unpacking. Releasing the trunk-type latches
and raising the hinged top will expose the com-
In handling the small arbor, particular
ponents of this kit. Upon raising the hinged cover,
care shall be exercised to avoid all
visually examine the large adapter assembly to.
impact or excessive downward pressure
made sure the eight phenolic blocks and the
on the suspension rod.
remainder of the kit components are undamaged.
a. Carefully clean all residual oil and
3-23. Handling. Exercise care in the handling and
preservative compound from the arbor assembly
use of the adapter assembly because of the
using solvent, Specification P-D-680, or equivalent.
susceptibility of damage and breakage of the
b. As shipped, the top end of the small arbor is
phenolic positioning blocks. Avoid careless or
sealed by an internal, spring-loaded seal located on
indifferent handling of any part.
the suspension rod under the indicator bushing. In
addition to preventing loss of dash-pot oil, this seal
KIT 7HEL052. (See figure 1-17.)
also supports the suspension rod in a fixed position
3-25. Unpacking. As with the TA050 and 7A052
in the arbor during shipment. To unseal the spring
kit shipping cases, the 7HEL052 shipping box is
loaded seal and free the suspension rod for normal
normallybanded prior to shipment. If used, cut the
operation, push the indicator bushing downward,
metal bands and remove nails securing the single
against light spring tension, so that its bottom
piece plywood top. Lift out the kit storage case and
surface clears the black indicator disc by ap-
store the shipping box for possible future use.
proximately 0.003 inch. (For use of paper spacing
3-26. Handling. Releasing the trunk-type latches
shims, see figure 3-5). Lock indicator bushing in
and raising the hinged top exposes the contents of
this position with indicator bushing set screw, using
this kit consisting of a large crisscrossed type of
hex wrench provided in the 7HEL053 kit. Remove
adapter assembly, cones and sleeves. The adapter
paper shims and check to insure indicator bushing
assembly incorporates a phenolic block at the end
moves freely.
of each leg. Make sure the blocks are undamaged
and handle the adapter assembly with care to avoid
Review paragraph 3-8 for care and
possible future damage. The adapter hub, the cones
precautions to be observed when handling
and sleeves shall be protected from accidental
balancing arbor assemblies.
nicks, scratches. burrs or other detrimental
7HEL054. (See figure 1-19.)
3-32. Unpacking. Accessibility is gained to all
7HEL053. (See figure 1-18.)
components of this kit after the releasing of latches
3-28. Unpacking. Releasing the two trunk-type
and raising of the hinged cover. All kit details are
latches and raising the hinged cover provides access
adequately preserved and securely recessed into
to all components of this kit. Since the kit details
appropriate compartments of the storage case.
provide for a multitude of applications, to minimize
3-33. Handling. Many of the kit components are
loss and possible damage, it is suggested only those
factory balanced and all are precision finished.
parts actually required for the specific balance
Exercise extreme care in handling and usage of the
application involved be removed from the storage
parts. Nicks, scratches, burrs, raised edges and
case. The packing layout glued to the inside of the
contamination shall be avoided. Store parts in the
top cover will help identify and locate parts. All
kit case when not in use.
parts shall be returned to their proper locations in
the storage case after use and preservation.
NO. 2516.
Releasing the trunk-type latches and raising
3-30. Remove small balancing arbor (22, figure 1-
the hinged top cover provides accessibility to the
three components of this kit as identified by the
the exposed end of the arbor and carefully pulling it
packing layout on the inside of the cover. Both the
out of the tilting support tube. Preparation of this
plate and adapter are precision machined and
arbor for use differs from that of the larger Part no.
balanced at the factory and care shall be taken to
2259 arbor as explained below.
protect these parts from damage. The indicator
assembly shall be handled as any other precision
Cleaning may be toxic. Use in well-
gage and shall not be immersed in any solvent or
ventilated area. Avoid prolonged inhala-
other fluids.
tion of fumes or direct contact with skin.
Change 1 3-11
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