TM 55-3930-650-14
Section I. GENERAL
b. Transport of the forklifts in U.S. Air Force
4-1. Scope
aircraft require no special handling. They may be
This chapter provides transportability guidance for
transported in their operational configuration.
air movement of the 4k and 6k CBD forklifts. It
covers significant technical and safety consider-
4-5. Transport by U.S. Air Force Cargo
ations and prescribes the materials required to
prepare, load, and unload the forklifts as internal
a. The aircraft commander or designated repre-
loads aboard U.S. Air Force cargo aircraft. It also
sentative ensures that the forklifts are loaded,
provides examples of tiedown diagrams and tie-
secured properly, and unloaded in accordance with
down data tables for loading the forklifts in U.S.
the applicable aircraft technical order.
Air Force cargo aircraft.
b. Use USAF TO IC-5A-9, TO IC-130A-9, and
4-2. Maximum Use of Aircraft
TO IC-141B-9, as applicable, to obtain restraining
factors for minimal acceptable conditions. The
The loads prescribed in this chapter are not maxi-
tiedown diagram (fig 4-1) is a suggested typical
mum aircraft loads. Total cargo loads and operat-
pattern to meet restraint requirements for either
ing ranges are subject to variables such as
weather, airfield conditions, individual aircraft
c. Provisions for transport of 4k or 6k CBD
characteristics, and flight distance. TM 38236/
forklifts in a C-130 aircraft are:
AFP 71-8 provides general guidance on total cargo
(1) Approach shoring is required. The forklifts
loads and operating ranges. TM 38-250/AFR 71-4
can be loaded either forward or backward into the
(15 January 1988), paragraph 3-7e(1) and para-
aircraft. The approach shoring requirements will
graph 627a(1)(a) provide the latest instructions
be determined at time of loading; therefore, addi-
regarding shipping of equipment with internal
tional pieces of 2- by 12-inch lumber should be
combustion engines and fuel in tank. For specific
made available.
guidance, contact the nearest Military Airlift Com-
(2) Parking shoring of 8- by 8- by -inch
mand (MAC) activity.
lumber is required under the steering axle tires.
4-3. Safety
d. Provisions for transport of the 4k and 6k
CBD forklifts in C-141 aircraft are:
Safety precautions listed in chapter 3 and the
(1) Approach shoring is required. The ap-
following procedures should be noted:
proach shoring requirements will be determined at
a. Station guides at strategic points outside and
time of loading; therefore, additional pieces of 2-
within the airplane to observe clearances.
by 12-inch lumber should be made available.
b. Make sure forklifts fuel tanks are no more
(2) Parking shoring of 8- by 8- by 1-inch
than one-half () full.
lumber under the drive axle tires and 10- by 10-
c. Raise tines before loading to prevent ramp
by 1-inch under the steering axle tires must be
e. Provisions for transport of the 4k and 6k CBD
forklifts in C5 aircraft are:
Fire extinguishers must be available dur-
(1) Approach shoring is required. The ap-
ing all loading and off-loading operations.
proach shoring requirements will be determined at
time of loading; therefore, additional pieces of 2-
by 12inch lumber should be carried to the air-
Do not allow the forklifts to exceed 3 mph
field. The forklifts must be loaded through the aft
(walking speed) on loading ramps or in-
ramp with the aircraft in the aft kneel configura-
side aircraft.
tion. The forklifts can be loaded either forward or
backward into the aircraft.
4-4. Preparation of Forklifts
(2) No parking shoring is required.
a. Prepare and certify that the forklifts are in
accordance with TM 38250/AFR 714.
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