TM 55-3930-243-14
Lifting diagram for RTL10 or RTL101 forklift using a four-legged bridle sling.
Figure 61.
both sides; lash with wire rope or chains to bulk-
a. Lighterage. When transporting the forklifts
heads, stanchions, or padeyes. Figure 6-3 shows
by lighterage to or from vessels, blocking will be
typical blocking and tiedown details. Materials for
required. When transporting extended distances
blocking and tiedown are listed in table 6-1. Ap
or through rough water, tiedown must also be
plication of materials is shown in table 6-2.
b. Securing. Requirements for securing the
rangement for stowing 12 RTL10 or RTL10-1
forklifts aboard general-cargo and barge-type ves-
forklifts in barge-type vessels. Because of their
sels is essentially the same. The forklifts are se-
length, only nine M10-A forklifts can be loaded.
cured by blocking the wheels front, rear, and on
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