TM 55-3810-306-15
bered components.
The crane
9. The remaining procedure to bring the turntable
superstructure should be replaced
ring gear into final contact with the crane carrier deck
plate involves minute movements of the suspended
on the carrier from which it was
superstructure. Rotate the load and use the guide lines
(See fig 1 for serial
to slowly move the swing, lift, and hoist functions of the
number locations.)
supporting equipment. The aim is to align the match
marks on the swing bearing and carrier deck plate, and
2. Place the crane carrier on a flat level surface.
finally the hole patterns in the two units. Pay close
3. Position the material handling boom head with
attention to the proximity of the counterweight to the top
suspended sling over the superstructure c.g. (see step 6
of the engine hood. Only 3 inches of space exists here,
in the demount procedure) and connect the four falls of
after installation, and minor rocking of the superstructure
the sling to the sling eyes located on the boom base
during remounting could damage the hood. Accurate
section and counterweight. (See the Shipping Data
final matching of the bearing hole patterns is evidenced
Plate (E7-376-002128) and/or fig 2-2 for details on
by the three bolts installed in 4 above (and the eight
superstructure slinging.) 4. Take up slack in the sling
shipping holddown bolts if left in place) dropping through
falls and remove cribbing, planking, supports, and
the carrier deck plate. Allow the superstructure to settle
superstructure tiedowns. Attach guide ropes at the
onto the crane carrier, but keep the sling falls taut.
boom nose and/or the counterweight (use for rotationally
Install washers and nuts on the three new bearing bolts
aligning the superstructure with the carrier during
now in place and tighten snugly, but do not torque.
remount). Inspect the bearing and carrier deck plate
10. Tighten the bolts to secure the swivel assembly
mating surfaces. Mating surfaces should be clean and
base channel to the supporting lugs in the carrier frame.
dry for remounting.
Tighten the bolts one-half turn past snug-tight. Reinstall
5. Insert three new bearing bolts with washers
the drag links according to their coded locations,
under heads through the exposed holes in the turntable
between the turntable base plate and upper end of the
bearing ring at 1, 6, and 16, figures 1 and 2. These
bolts will serve to align the entire superstructure bearing
11. Reconnect all air and hydraulic quick couplers at
hole pattern with the matching holes in the carrier deck
the base of the swivel, being careful to mate coded tie
plate. (If the crane is being reassembled after shipment
strap ends. Uncoded ends and electrical plugs are
by flatbed railcar or military semitrailer, the eight 9-1/2-
unmarked and cannot be installed incorrectly. Air and
inch long holddown bolts, used for shipment, may also
transmission lines have color-coded tie straps and
be left in place to align the bearing and carrier deck hole
number-stamped identification.
patterns.) 6.
Lift and swing the suspended
12. Recouple the quick disconnect in the lift retract
superstructure over the crane carrier. Center the boom
over the front and try to align the superstructure
13. Start the engine and swing the superstructure
turntable bearing ring with the bearing hole pattern in
(with sling falls still attached) 9to the right. Install three
the carrier deck plate. Use caution to avoid damaging
more bearing bolts-2, 7, and 17, with washers under
the swivel assembly, which is suspended from the
heads, figures 1 and 2. Install washers and nuts and
superstructure turntable base plate.
tighten snugly, but do not torque. If eight shipping bolts
7. Station a rigger on the carrier in view of the
have been left in step 9 above, replace these as they
match marks on the front of the superstructure bearing
appear in this step and step 14. Disconnect the material
ring and carrier deck plate. Also, place a rigger under
handling sling falls and remove.
the carrier to center the swivel assembly support
14. Alternatively swing left and right and install all
channel onto its supporting lugs in the carrier frame, as
remaining bearing bolts, washers and nuts.
it is lowered into place.
8. Lower the superstructure into close contact with
the carrier deck plate. The swivel support channel will
Each installed bearing bolt includes
contact its supporting lugs before the turntable bearing
contacts the carrier deck plate. Center the channel on
washers under head and nut. After
the lugs and install the four 3/4-inch bolts through the
initial tightening, torque all bearing
channel and lugs. Install the washers and nuts on the.
bolts per attaching procedure (fig 2)
ends of the bolts. Do not tighten. Unhook the swivel
using available torque wrench.
assembly suspension chains and snap together around
the swivel barrel (see fig 1, detail A).
15. Function check the crane.
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