TM 55-3810-306-15
Section I. GENERAL
7-2. Maximum Utilization of Railcars
7-1. Scope
Additional cargo, as approved by the activity offering the
This chapter provides rail transportability guidance for
equipment for transport, may be transported with the
movement of the RTCC. It covers significant technical
and physical characteristics and safety precautions. It
also prescribes the materials and guidance to prepare,
load, tie down, and unload the RTCC.
7-3. General
(1) Transporters may drive the RTCC
The RTCC, whether operational or disassembled, is rail
operational configuration onto the railcar, if a suitable
transportable with major restrictions. Disassembling the
ramp is available. They may also place the operational
superstructure from the carrier does not allow
configuration in the tiedown position on the railcar with a
unrestricted rail transport, but does minimize
crane of adequate capacity.
restrictions. When loaded on a standard 50-inch-high
(2) Figure 7-3 shows blocking and tiedown
flatcar, the RTCC exceeds both the Association of
details. Table 7-3 gives the bill of materials for securing
American Railroads (AAR) and Gabarit International de
the RTCC operational configuration. Figure 7-1 (sheet
Chargement (GIC) rail transport envelopes for CONUS
5, detail A) shows rope anchor through stake pocket.
and OCONUS, respectively.
7-4. Preparation
Loading crews should use a
When required, personnel will remove the RTCC
staggered nailing pattern when
superstructure from the carrier according to the
lumber or laminated wood is nailed
appendix A before loading on the railcar.
to the floor of the railcar. Also, the
nailing pattern for an upper piece of
7-5. Loading, Unloading, and Materials
laminated wood will be adjusted as
a. Loading the RTCC Superstructure on Wood-Deck
required, so that a nail for that piece
will not be driven through, onto, or
(1) Transporters may place the superstructure
right beside a nail in the lower piece
in the tiedown position on the railcar with a crane of
of lumber.
adequate capacity.
(2) Figure 7-1 shows blocking and tiedown
details. Table 7-1 gives the bill of materials for securing
Do not allow the crane or carrier to
the RTCC superstructure.
exceed 3 miles per hour (walking
b. Loading the RTCC Carrier on Wood-Deck Flatcars
speed) during loading or unloading
(1) Transporters may place the RTCC carrier
in the tiedown position on the railcar with a crane of
adequate capacity.
(2) Figure 7-2 shows blocking and tiedown
When loading the RTCC operational
details. Table 7-2 gives the bill of materials for the
configuration, crews must ensure
RTCC carrier.
that the boom is horizontal, fully
CAUTION Do not allow the crane or carrier to exceed 3
retracted, and the swing lock
miles per hour (walking speed) during loading or
engaged. They must also ensure
unloading operations.
that the outriggers are fully retracted
c. Loading the RTCC Operational Configuration on
into housings and secured in place
Wood-Deck Flatcars
with steel tape.
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